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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Well, whatever it is, I hope they didn't see me changing! (Aw man! Now, I'm scared!)
  2. I know! Makes me want to kick their a**! Honestly! I'm still shocked from this. I mean, the worst part, is that I go to a private high school and you would think that a private school is safer than a public school!
  3. Thanks! Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, there's other great news. They said they heard about what happened and had fired the school administrator for suspending the whole class. They will also take our suspension off our record! They said there was no reason for the rest of us to be suspended, so yeah, I'm really happy. All's well that ends well! Bad news: you won't believe why these guys got suspended (bear with me, but it's true and I'm pissed and ready to punch them in the face if that ever happened to me.) Ok, here's goes: 1) They were caught smoking weed. 2) They were caught drinking alcohol 3) This one is the worst, prepare yourself: they were caught peeking at girls in the changing room (you know, the room where they change their clothes for PE or athletic classes) I swear to god, if they ever did that to me, I'd kick their a** (I do national level martial arts, so yeah) Yeah, what a crazy thing, but like I said, all's well that ends well! So, thank you guys for giving me advice and talking to me!
  4. Thank you. This kind of thing happened to me yesterday. But, I can say, that today, I'm feeling a lot better.
  5. Aw man! I feel horrible and so embarrassed. My parents and my younger brother weren't at home. I was about to take a shower when I see a spider and I start screaming and running down the stairs naked, and guess who comes through the door?! My dad. And we both froze, and then, for some reason, I got angry and accidentally did karate on him! Ugh! What the f*** is wrong with me?! Any advice on how I should handle this situatuation next time would be great! Yeah, that...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Nope! I didn't explain the situation. Oops! Should've done that before attacking him!

    3. Jacobliterator


      Sounds like something Yui from K-On would do. Try keeping back-up bug spray in your bathroom. Never encountered a spider myself tho. Quite a few caterpillars though for some reason.

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Yeah, thanks! I will!

  6. Hello, Zolf. Welcome to Reborn! My favorite Pokémon game is Emerald. Lugia and Yveltal are also my favorite legendaries. Hope we get to know each other! If you have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to PM any of us!
  7. Hey, remember me? Cool Girl? I like the story you have. Think we could incorporate it into our Reborn Series?.....So far.....
  8. Could someone explain to me how to do trigonometric form of a complex number, please. (Also, I'm a junior in high school who's in Pre-Calculus, so try your best to explain it on that level, please. Thanks guys!
  9. Welcome! Really good to see a European on Reborn! I'm French, although I moved to the US when I was six. I also speak a lot of languages. I speak four: French, English, Spanish, and Arabic (I'm not Spanish, but I'm in Spanish 4 AP in high school, so yeah) . I love Hunter x Hunter and Naruto. I also play basketball and do national level judo. Charizard is also one of my favorite pokémon. Huge welcome to ya! (Man, we have many things in common!)
  10. Ok, what about the moveset and nature, is it good?
  11. Ok, so here's the edit based on the comment you made: Moves: Play Rough Sucker Punch Iron Head Flamethrower
  12. So, I'm getting Mawile and I'm thinking of the ideal moveset for Mawile. Here's the information needed. Mawile @ Mawilite Adamant Nature Ability: Intimidate/Sheer Force/Hyper Cutter Moves: Play Rough Sucker Punch Iron Head Swords Dance Let me know what you guys think!
  13. Thank you, both of you.
  14. Thank you. I listened to the song and I cried because the lyrics really touched me. And yes, this is one of my favorite genres. Thank you! (Sorry, I'm crying right now because the song touched me!)
  15. So, every year, my high school does a wellness faire, where they talk about important topics. The juniors are the one who hosts the following topics, so this year was my turn. I chose to talk about mental illnesses and self care. The reason I'm posting this is because I thought this could be a useful source for anyone who needs/wants it. Also, feel free to discuss about any of the following topics. So, without further ado, discuss away and beyond infinity! 1) Mental Illnesses + Self Care This topic is about mental illnesses and self care. This was mostly a discussion workshop, where we discussed mental illnesses and how to deal with this. In the discussions that I've seen, we mostly talked about what to do when you have a friend who is depressed and is suicidal. 'Nuff said. Funny thing is that I've felt this way just yesterday (check "Suicide" topic). 2) Logical fallacies This topic confused me a little bit. This topic is about logical fallacies. 3) Sex Education 'Nuff said 4) Respect This workshop is about respect between teachers and students. 5) Substance Abuse + Drugs This workshop is about substance abuse and drugs and why people do it. This is all the topics. Let me know if you have any questions. Discuss!
  16. I'm so happy you enjoyed your trip to America! I really like Washington D.C! I also visited monuments while there. I went there for my 8th grade history trip. The day before we left, they said Hurricane Sandy. Thank god, we left before Hurricane Sandy happened! I moved to the US from France. I remember the first my family moved to the US, they had culture shock. I was pretty shy, back then, but little by little, we really enjoy America. I'll admit it, I enjoy it more than France. People in the US treat each other with respect while in France, I was treated like crap by my teachers! Anyways, so glad you enjoyed your trip! Hope you can find some pictures, would love to see them!
  17. I believe what should be implemented is like a mechanic to where you and however many friends can play together at the sametime. and you see them in your world. kinda like the extralink but there actually there. I hope i'm not confusing to much XD I know right! i've played all the "big" pokemon mmos and all of them arnt bad they all just fall short and dont get really that fun. I think the field effects being implemented would also be lovely As for pokemon feelings and saying, I guess yellow was the closest thing to providing that...but only with a pikachu. Yeah, hgss brought back following pokemon, but they all had random reactions that change everytime you talk to your 'mon. And we got nothing on random overworld pokemon. Would definitely be nice to get something to give pokemon a deeper portrayal I agree with all of you guys. I hope it's implemented sooner than later.
  18. Thank you, Ice Cream Sand Witch. Sadly, there's nothing I can do to fight the suspension. The thing that I find ridiculous though is that they said that even though it's a couple of people that did something bad, they said that by suspending all of us, we can learn a lesson. How the f*** is suspending all of us learning a lesson? Look at me! It's making me really sad! Even though there's nothing I can do to fight the suspension, you're right. Thank you again, Ice Cream Sand Witch.
  19. Thank you so much, @Rshiran. I'm sorry you were shaking while writing your comment and also cried happy while reading your comment. You really touched me, really! Also, I will admit, I can be quite hasty. Reason: I do a lot of martial arts and in martial arts, you have to be hasty, sometimes, so yeah. But, thank you very much. I hope I can talk to you and we can be friends! Also, thank you, the music helped me a lot! Also, to answer your question, I like pop, dance, and hip-hop music!
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