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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. This is surely going to bring competition and possibly one of us may turn against each other. Althea thought to herself as she waked out.
  2. And with that, Althea headed out to go to the market square to go talk to the commander: "Hey sir, where have you held the goblins?". She couldn't afford to wait for Richard.
  3. As the council member mentioned Elsir Vale, a look of panic: "ELSIR VALE?! Oh god....I hope my mother is okay....Councilmen, please tell me they're okay!?" She then stayed calm as she felt it was unprofessional to panic. As the councilmen was talking about the mission, Althea noticed that he mentioned that one of the hostages is an acolyte of Ioun, which is what made her accept the mission: "I accept the mission and if while I'm there, I find some of your treasure, I'll grab them and give them back to you." Althea then paused for a moment as she had a question of her own: "Sir, if I may, do you have any information on the Red Hand and their leader, Sinruth, I believe we should know about it. See, the reason we captured those two goblins as you may have read from the report was to interrogate them. But, if you know who they are and what their intentions are, it may save us the hassle and possibly we could prevent a war. So, please, what do you know about them?"
  4. Althea stands in a military position, out of respect: "Um....my name is Althea Ellenburger. Half-elf cleric. I was in charge of treating the wounded and did my best to assist in battle. My intentions as of now are to interrogate the intruders we have captured and to get information by any means necessary about this "Red Hand". I guarantee you I only have the best intentions, sir!" she said as she tried to not be nervous Althea saw that he was a half-elf and wanted to ask about his heritage, but knew there wasn't time for that. Instead, she tried to indicate that with a look. Man, I hope I did well....I mean, he is half-elf, which means one of his parents may be human. I mean, I know my dad is, but....if he knows something about my dad or our heritage, I'd like to know. Althea thought to herself.
  5. Never played Undertale, but this is what I got
  6. Yeah like many people here I'm not sure if I can be here. I'll be in Florida for a tournament, so there's gonna be a timeslot change and well, tournament. But I'll try to be in.
  7. Althea gets startled, but then chuckles a bit. "Oh hey....sorry, didn't sleep a whole lot". Out of nowhere, she kisses Richard on the lips. "Sorry....just needed to feel a bit better...." She then gives him an apple and his plate of breakfast: "Eat up! We're gonna need all the energy we can get today. We're heading where the goblins are being kept to interrogate them." She then notices the messenger come in with a message. Sigh....guess it'll have to wait. You coming?" she asks Richard and with that, she joins the others to go to the Bridal Keep
  8. So, I really need help solving the Timber puzzle in the Agate Circus. I looked on youtube and did just like the vid told me to. Still doesn't work. Here's the vid I followed Also, if anyone wants to take a crack at it, here's my save file. Game.rxdata
  9. Man, the timburr puzzle is hard in pokémon reborn

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Okay, I really need help solving it. I looked up on youtube, saw the vid, did just like it did, still doesn't work. Someone help pls.

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Nevermind. Posted on the reborn city forum.

  10. Althea wakes up, grabs two apples and two breakfast plates, eats her apple and her breakfast plate, and waits for Richard in the waiting room.
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