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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. The reason I play Pokémon is because of my dad. He bought my very first pokémon game on my sixth birthday and I fell in love playing it since!
  2. Thanks, @Darvan Korematsu I feeling a little better about myself until my dad comes and yells at me that I got suspended. He started calling me an embarrassment and he got really angry and called me a b****, Didn't even give me the chance to explain myself. Now, I'm really pissed and starting to feel just like I did on the first post. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I won't commit suicide. I'm just really depressed, though.
  3. Thank you, @TaciturnPhoenix. I am definitely not wanting to commit suicide after hearing you guys! Although, I still kinda feel pretty down, though, but I'll think I'll be better. Thank you so much for the support, guys! Seriously, thank you guys. I'm crying of joy reading all of your advice!
  4. Thank you, @Quinn. Talking to you guys has made me feel better!
  5. Thank you, @NovaKnight, you're a very good friend!
  6. Thank you guys so much! I'm feeling a little bit hopeful now, still feeling really really down, though. I'm so happy hearing you guys right now that I'm crying right now!
  7. So, what happened today, was that a couple of guys did something really bad and as a result, everybody in my class (and yes, this is the whole junior class) got suspended for a day, including me. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed of myself for getting suspended. I feel like a failure and feel like I don't deserve to live. I feel like I won't have a future anymore or I can't go to college anymore (nobody would want me in their college) because I got suspended I feel hated by my teachers and everyone. I feel alone because I don't get along with my parents and we constantly fight and I feel like it's my fault. I struggled my whole life with depression because I've always been told that I'm nothing and that I'm a worthless piece of s***. I am now thinking of suicide, but before I even go there, I want to hear what you guys have to say. I know suicide is not the answer, but I just feel so hopeless. I feel like I'm a waste of air, time, and space. I keep hoping everyday that my life will get better, but it doesn't, it only gets worse. I know that the suspension is only a day, but I feel like when I come back to school, I'll be bullied and everybody will hate me. So, before I even leave this world or keep telling myself that "I'm a loser" "I'm a failure" and all that stuff, I want to hear your experience with this. Thanks for taking your time to read this and I just wanted to let you know, thank you for everything that you've done. You guys have been like a second family and I will never forget that from my bottom of my heart. I'll miss you guys so much that I'm crying Please help me. Someone help me! - Cool Girl
  8. 6.5/10 Like the picture, but it's pretty small.
  9. Blaziken. I do national level martial arts and Blaziken would help me practice for my competitions.
  10. How come every time I try to battle Geara in Rejuvenation, it says "The script is taking too long. The game will restart."

  11. During my battle with Geara, it keeps telling me that the script is taking too long. What to do?
  12. Listening to Whitney Houston to this day still gives me chills and makes me cry! R.I.P Whitney Houston :(

  13. Song still makes me cry and gives me chills to this day. R.I.P Whitney Houston
  14. Thunderstorm coming in Silicon Valley today. Little scared to go to school.

    1. Shing


      Hope you can go through the school today and weather not bothering yoo too much!

    2. Cool Girl
  15. Which nature would be good for mega houndoom with the following moveset : Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Destiny Bond

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Timid. There's rarely a reason not to be TImid on Doom.

  16. Alright, so here are the edits Houndoom @ Houndoomite Timid Nature Ability: Solar Power Moves: Fire Blast Sludge Bomb Dark Pulse Destiny Bond
  17. Which Fire Stab move do you think I should go with, Flamethrower or Fire Blast?
  18. @ Hukuma Fulmine: This is for Rejuvenation, so yeah. This is my ideal moveset for Rejuvenation.
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