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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Well, not necesirally, I just need a good moveset for Houndoom (Mega).
  2. So, I'm about to get Houndour and I was thinking about its moveset when it evolves in Houmdoom (Mega), so without further ado, here's the ideal moveset for Mega Houndoom. Let me know what you guys think! Houndoom @ Houndoomite Timid Nature Ability: Solar Power Moves: Flamethrower Foul Play SolarBeam ???????? Let me know what you guys think!
  3. Sorry, I can't seem to upload it. I'm trying to upload and it won't work. EDIT: You know what, could you send me the app bundle from wine to me, please! I tried everything and I can't send you screenshots because my computer won't let me, so yeah.
  4. And how do I do that because I looked in Finder and it's not there, but it's in Wine Files Manager.
  5. I found it. I'm in the Wine File Manager, but I can't open it. What should I do?
  6. So, I'm trying to install it in my desktop, but it won't let me. I press "Browse" when it tells me to select the installation folder and I choose Desktop, but it still keeps choosing Enterbrain. What should I do?
  7. Ok, I did that. After that, then what
  8. So, I talked to Korrina to do her side quest so that I could get Hounder. However, after I get my second gym badge and meet at the location, she is not there. What happened?
  9. Alright, thanks. I did it. Let me know what you think about my team!
  10. So, I'm looking for a way to add my Reborn team (You know, just like I see in people's signatures) how do I do that?
  11. Just finished Reborn today!

    1. Despair Syndrome

      Despair Syndrome

      Congrats! Now the eternal wait for E16 begins...

    2. Cool Girl
  12. I have to make a political cartoon. Any ideas on what I could make it about?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TaciturnPhoenix


      Issues like terrorism or economic problems also work well.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Building a wall

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I actually made my cartoon about that!

  13. Need help on these math problems ASAP. Got a quiz tomorrow and a final next week! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20006#entry486788

  14. Hey guys, so I need help with some pre-calculus problems. Bear with me, it's a lot of problems, but I really need help, so without further ado, here they are: On problem 45, you have to find all solutions of the equation in the interval [0, 2π). This is the problem cos 4x (cos x-1) = 0 On problem 47, you have to use inverse functions where needed to find all solutions of the equation in the interval [0, 2π). sin2x - 2 sin x = 0 On problem 51 and 53, you have to find the exact value of the sine, cosine, and tangent of the angle by using a sum or difference formula. 51) 285°= 315°-30° 53) 25π/12 = 11π/6 + π/4 On problem 69, you have to use double-angle formulas to verify the identity algebraically and use a graphing utility to confirm it graphically. sin 4x = 8 cos3x sin x - 4 cos x sin x ​On problem 79 and 81, you have to use the half-angle formulas to determine the exact values of the sine, cosine, and tangent of the angle. 79) - 75° 81) 19π/12 ​On problem 83, you have to use half-angle formulas to simplify the expression - √1 + cos 10x /2 That is all the problems I needed help on. Thanks for taking the time to read these and I hope you could help out in some way!
  15. Ok, after I choose that one, should I choose convert it to App Bundle on wine?
  16. I mean, I'm also creating a game, These tips are great and so were the tutorials on this forum! I wish the best of luck to you!
  17. My RPG Maker XP folder has Setup 1.exe and Setup 2.exe. What should I do?
  18. @TaciturnPhoenix: Yes, I am a native speaker. Like I said, I'm French. Also, thanks your input, now it kinda makes my decision a little easier!
  19. Any advice on how to take the SAT/ACT and which one to take? I want to show on these standardized tests that I speak French, so that's why I'm not sure which one to take.
  20. Can someone help me convert rpg maker xp in mac (I'm more of a visual learner, so yeah!) ?
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