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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Hello and welcome to Reborn! My name is Cool Girl! If you want to talk or need anything, just PM me! Hope we can be friends too!
  2. 7/10 Pretty nice, only wish the image was clearer
  3. Man, been watching a lot of tutorials on rom hacking! Pretty excited about it, though, but at the same time, I have an idea of a Pokémon game, but I'm too scared to go for it! If you want me to tell you about my idea or you want to give me advice, just PM me! :)

  4. Well, according to this, I'm a rabbit/hare.
  5. It's official: Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl!

  6. Xen Lab Carotos Moutain I'm locked in the storage room and Keta won't appear and I've tried pressing all the buttons on my laptop
  7. I'd recommend getting Emolga and a Psychic pokémon
  8. Coming down with a terrible cold!

  9. Alright, more edits Moves: Swords Dance/Double Team Sucker Punch Night Slash Psycho Cut
  10. Alright, based on what everyone told me, here are the edits Moves: Swords Dance/Double Team Night Slash Sucker Punch Psycho Cut/Play Rough/Megahorn
  11. So, I'm thinking ahead and I want to know what is a good moveset for Mega Absol. I know that right now all the mega stones are not available in Reborn and not all the TM's are available, but like I said, I'm thinking ahead, so without further ado, here's my "ideal" moveset for Absol. Mega Absol @ Absolite Timid Nature Ability: Magic Bounce (I don't know how I'm going to get this ability) Moves: Ice Beam Thunderbolt Dark Pulse Flamethrower Let me know what you guys think!
  12. Finally beat Charlotte after five months of trying !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Isa-Chu



    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      The reason it tool me this long is because I had to grind my Pokémon (level them up)

    4. AeroWraith


      ^That's usually me whenever I get to Noel.

  13. So, how do I add a picture from my desktop to my reply?
  14. What time does the Super Bowl today! I want to watch it on my TV!

  15. It's not working, so here's my save file
  16. Ugh! Trying to motivate myself to study for a US History Quiz and Chemistry Test by listening to music! Hope ti will help me!

  17. Wait, you like the song I uploaded? Also, couldn't help but notice that your "location" is France. I was born in Paris, France, and lived there for six years, so yeah. Does that mean you speak French?
  18. My list of things that make me feel good Games: Pokémon, Yugioh, Anime games Anime: Naruto, Shugo Chara, Hayate No Gotoku, Phi Brain, Vampire Knight, Naruto Things: Acting, writing, playing video games That's all I can think of right now. I'll add more to this post if I think of any other
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