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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. So, I'm in the Xen Lab at Carotos Mountain and I'm in the holding cell. I'm waiting for Keta to appear so he can save but he just won't appear. Here's my save file.
  2. 8/10 Woah! (He's so cute! OMG! So talking to myself! Promise!)
  3. I used to drink two cups of milk each day, have two yogurts, and three slices of cheese each day, so as you can see I eat a lot of dairy (well I'm french so I'm from france and they eat a lot of dairy over there), so yeah! I appreciate your advice, though, thank you!
  4. @Hiss13: Oh! It's okay, when I said, "I sure hope going dairy free is worth it! I was talking to myself! Sorry, I should've specified! @damurdara: Yes, I will be drinking dairy substitutes like soy milk. As for cheese, yogurt, and butter, I'm still figuring out some substitutes. I know that there is dairy-free butter and dairy free cheese somewhere. I'm still trying to figure out a substitute for yogurt. I think I heard there is dairy free yogurt?
  5. Wow, thanks for sharing your story! I sure hope going dairy free is worth it!
  6. So, if you are dairy free, how is it going for you?
  7. Yeah, it is a bummer because I really like Nutella, but I'm sure there are chocolate spreads that don't contain dairy, so right now, I wouldn't worry about it.
  8. But, doesn't Nutella contain dairy?
  9. So, today, I decided that I'm going dairy free. I know nobody that is dairy free, but I heard that it exists and that there is people out there that are dairy free. A lot of my friends are gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan. The reason that I decided to be dairy free is because I noticed throughout the years that I've been drinking milk or eating dairy products, I get constipated (I can't go to the bathroom easily! Sorry for the description!) So I'm hoping that being dairy free will help me. It's not like I can never eat yogurt or cheese or any other dairy products again. You can buy dairy free butter, dairy free cheese, and dairy free yogurt in a lot of stores, so I already know the alternatives I'll be taking. But, my question is, are you gluten free/vegan/vegetarian/dairy free? If so, how long did it take for you to realize that you feel more comfortable with that diet? Also, if you want to give advice, that would be also great, considering that I just decided this today (It took me years to think about this! And also, I'm not an adult doing this choice, I'm only 16, so who knows how this might turn out!) Whatever it is, I told my parents and they are very supportive of my decision, so that's great! I kinda of have an idea what it's like to substitute because my mom is vegetarian. Also, as a national level martial artist, it might be challenging because when you do sports, you need calcium. Also, the bummer part about this is that I won't be able to get Krispy Kreme donuts because they have milk in it. Also, won't be able to enjoy Starbucks as much because they also put milk in their Frappucino! Sorry for the long rant! So, away we go!
  10. Just decided today that I'm going dairy free

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      The reason I decided is because that regular milk (I'm now substituting that with soy milk/rice milk/almond milk) and dairy products make me constipated. So that's why I did it. I mean, once in a while or on occasions, I might eat a dairy product or drink milk.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      It's definitely doable. Good luck with it!

    4. Cool Girl
  11. I'm screwed for my chemistry final!

  12. I understand what you're saying. It bugs me too and I pick up on it. One time, I told one of my friends to stop saying racist jokes and she told it wasn't a big deal. This pissed me off. I told her back that it was a big deal and that people could be offended by these jokes and then she told me to go f*** myself. I am happy to say that I'm no longer friends with her. That being said, it happens so often in my high school that I've just gotten to the point of "meh, who cares" which is bad because you should care and when you see something or hear something wrong, then say something.
  13. Ursaring for A rank Availability: 1st badge Movepool: Okay Comments: Ursaring's pre-evolution doesn't start out strong. As it evolves, it doesn't learn good moves. But if you teach Ursaring Facade with Guts holding a Toxic Orb, it's a beast!
  14. 7/10 Wanna see the face Forget I said that, I wanted to delete my post.
  15. Yes, Hawlucnha is available before fighting Samson, I think (You can obtain Hawlucha on the path where there is the Crustle Puzzle. However, I think it's a rare pokémon and therefore will take a lot of patience to encounter one.)
  16. Ugh, I swear to god, If I see that son of a b**** Trump, I'm gonna kick his a** (I never hated someone so much in my life! Excuse my language, but I'm just pissed at the guy!)
  17. So, if you're asking us to chose between Medicham and Gallade, I'd say Gallade just because it's a stronger fighting type and besides, design's cooler. But, you know what, you can get both and just switch between them (like rotation).
  18. Mr. Mime C to C+ Rank + You can obtain a Mime Jr. in the Xen Lab during the storyline (while Keta teams up with you to stop Madelis) + Good movepool (mostly physical) It learns some good moves for standard play - Its defenses are very bad, so setting up a reflect/light screen would be good before you start attacking - It doesn't learn a good Fairy-type move. The only fairy move it learns is Dazzling Gleam. It doesn't even get MoonBlast Also, I forgot to add something about Exploud. Here's what I wanted to add: - At the beginning, it's not a strong pokémon, but once it's fully evolved, it's a beast!
  19. I know that V7 just came out and all, but considering all the hype that is going on for V8, do you think One Punch Jan/Superjanbro is already working on V8?
  20. How about a sub-forum for fan-made games (ex: Pokémon Rejuvenation got a sub-forum). The reason I'm bringing this up is because of Pokémon Desolation, which is really popular just like Reborn and Rejuvenation. Can says he was making a wild pokémon location list and considering all the questions that people have, it's going to make a lot of threads on Pokémon Desolation, so why not a sub-forum for it? Just a suggestion. You don't have to do it.
  21. I really liked episode 7, but I was so bummed to see Han Solo die. That being said, I heard he's making a appearance in episode 8. Oh! Could that mean he might be alive? (That's nearly impossible, considering he got stabbed and died in a exploding planet, but who knows?) What do you guys think?
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