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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Mr. Mime. I mean, look at that thing!
  2. I'm sorry I'm asking all these questions, but there will be non-binary characters, right? Reason: Once I know the protagonist's names, I want to do a poll.
  3. Wow, I;m also looking forward to playing this game! Will there be a written walkthrough or a wild pokémon location list? I think it helps. That's all. Thanks! Also, do you have each protagonist's names? Sorry about all the questions, but will there be mega evolution in this game?
  4. Wow, this sounds like a nice hack. Looking forward to playing. Will there be a written walkthrough or a wild pokémon location list of this game? I think it will really help. That's all. Thanks
  5. I have arachnophobia and a huge fear of vaccine needles.
    1. ShadowStar


      Umm are you sure you put in the right codes?

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Yeah, I'm positive. You can check for yourself.

    3. ShadowStar


      Hm. I dunno but I'm sure someone will help at some point..

  6. Bouffant because it would just break everything in my home!
  7. There is a man blocking the passage to a building in 7th street. How do I get him to move out of the way?

    1. Shamitako


      You must sacrifice your firstborn child to him whilst performing the chicken dance

  8. Ok, thanks. Any idea where I can find another ability capsule. I have one with me right now.
  9. So, I need a good moveset for Tauros. Here's what I got so far. Please give me some feedback or something that needs to be changed. Taurus @ Liechi Berry/ Choice Band Adamant Nature Ability: Intimidate Moves: Earthquake Zen Headbutt Stone Edge ????????
  10. 9/10 Really cool pic. Definitely defines your username!
  11. Man! Everybody in the bus singing' Hello by Adele! Man, life can get crazy!

  12. Finally caught a Tauros with Adamant after re-setting so many times in Reborn! Now I just need a Adamant Bouffant! Wish me luck on that guys!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fumble


      7th Street, which should be open up to you after you beat Radomus.

    3. mde2001
    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      if your just getting to route 1 you cant get to it yet but after your next gym badge you go somewhere where you can find the guy

  13. I always plan things in detail. But, there are some things that I plan spontaneously.
  14. Figured a way to get wi-fi on a school bus!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BIGJRA


      Doesn't that waste your data though?

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Oh! Oops, I guess! Oh well!

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      @PBX5 Well, I'm glad that I earned your respect!

  15. Figured a way to get wi-fi on a school bus!

  16. Is Bouffalant with a Lonely Nature good? (I was aiming for Adamant to increase Attack, but since Lonely also increases Attack, I guess that also works!) Let me know what you guys think!

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's okay, not ideal but it'll work. It's not the most bulky mon to begin with but it'll be eh.. jsut remember you'll take more from physical hits.

  17. 10/10 Love it. Love everything about it!
  18. You can also get Audio at Tanzan Cove, I think. Maybe it's rare?!
  19. Well, I don't know about you, but the challenge run I'm doing is using event pokémon only
  20. Unown. Just don't get it.
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