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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. 3/10 I don't know what the picture is.
  2. Ok, my favorite anime are Shugo Chara, Hayate no Gotoku, Hunter x Hunter, Vampire Slayer, and Phi Brain. I love the Yugioh and Pokémon franchise. My favorite characters are the Vocaloids (Hatsune Miku, Luka, Rockstar...) I like cute anime girl pictures. And yeah, let me know if you still need more information.
  3. Anybody wants to suggest me a avatar?
  4. I don't nickname my Pokémon. However, that being said, I am willing to give it a try, someday.
  5. Me too! I'm restarting my pokémon rejuvenation run!
  6. Thank you! Agreed! Also, what was really cool to see is that when our teacher put the potassium in water with pH indicator, the potassium caught fire! Was pretty scary, but at the same time, it was so cool!
  7. Today, in atomic chemistry, I learned that potassium is a metal and that it's in our food! Ugh, don't think I wanna eat food again!
  8. I like my popcorn plain, However I prefer kettle corn over popcorn.
  9. I like my burger cooked medium to medium well. On my burger, I would have a toasty bun. On it, I would put bbq sauce, caramelized onions, smoked bacon, and onion rings and for my side, I like it with onion rings or sweet potato fries. I mean, I love bbq and onion rings, so yeah!
  10. Hey guys, I was thinking of a moveset for Mr. Mime and I need your help. Also, if you can suggest a nature, that would be great. Here's what I got so far. Mr. Mime @ Choice Scarf/ Life Orb Ability: ???? Nature:???? Moves: Psychic Baton Pass ???? ???? Any suggestions would be great!
  11. Finally beat Aya in Reborn!

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Congrats! I really can't stand her.

    2. Sutoratosu


      It's not nice to beat ladies, you know.

      In fact, it's not nice to beat anyone, for that matter.

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      She's gave me hell! And by the way, I'm a girl, so yeah!

  12. Alright, guys! Thank you so much for your advice. I finally beat Aya!
  13. Sounds interesting. Keeping' my eye on this!
  14. Does anybody know when v7 of rejuvenation will come out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solarance
    3. ShadowStar
    4. Bearadactyl


      It's been stated multiple times it is slated for a January release, and is overall 97% complete as per the status thread.

      However, anything can happen to potentially extend the release date.

      Just check the status thread next time you have a question like this, it is why it exists.

  15. Okay! I'll put Gothitelle on my team as support until I get more pokémon. The reason I don't have a lot of pokemon right now is because I'm doing a kind of challenge run where the only Pokémon I can use are event pokémon. Still, thank you for your advice. I appreciate it!
  16. I can hardly contain my excitement! I wish it was out right now! Do you know when the new version will be coming out?
  17. How do I beat her, I've tried so many times! Help! Here's my team, so far: Blaziken Adamant Nature Ability: Speed Boost Moves: Blaze Kick Bulk Up Double Kick Slash Ursaring Brave Natue Ability: Guts Moves: Baby Doll-Eyes Slash Feint Attack Facade Emolga Adamant Nature Ability: Motor Drive Moves: Acrobatics Electro Ball Substitute Volt Switch Let me know what I should do!
  18. Doing college prep is a joke! Getting frustrated just talking about it! My counsellor is so naggy!

  19. Completely tired from doing a work-out from Jillian Michaels!

  20. Re-setting Reborn so many times just so I could get a Adamant, Jolly, or Brave Teddiursa!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Oh, yeah! I wanted a Adamant Blacken and I was lucky that I got a Adamant Torchic the first time!

    3. RasenShot


      I wouldn't bother with breeding in reborn. I'd keep resetting.

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Finally got one of the natures I wanted after re-setting 20 times! 20 TIMES!

  21. 9/10 Like it 'cause its really cute
  22. Doing some kind of challenge run on Reborn. Instead of catching Pokémon in Reborn. My team will consist of only event pokémon. I mean, duh, pokémon are scarce in Reborn! Gotta look for them yourself in the city, not the grass. Anyways, wish me luck guys!

  23. Forget the gender on the pokemon, but just by looking at the designs and the picture. Is Furret a boy or girl? Is Emolga a boy or a girl? I can already tell just by looking at the design that Boundary is a girl, for example, but what about those two?

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