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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. @AndSoThereIsSt3ffo I agree with you. I really liked Meruem. That scene where he was with Komugi was one of the most touching scenes I've seen in all of the anime. I thought Meruem was a really good character in the anime! Anyways, that's my opinion! What do you guys think?
  2. To be honest, I don't think Nintendo cares. I think we'll be fine.We'll also give credits to Nintendo and Game Freak to avoid copyright issues, I think?
  3. Guys, check out the Pokémon Reborn series thread! We'll need a lot of help!

    1. Sparky


      It's not a bad idea, but it'd be heavily time consuming.

  4. My favorite arc was the Chimera Ant one (The rest of my opinion might be a spoiler so please view it at your own risk).
  5. Thanks for all your hard work, Amethyst. Let's make 2016 the best we've ever had!
  6. Need some hires in my Pokémon Reborn Series thread. Let me know if you're interested in helping out!

  7. Ok, after a lot of thinking and based on what people are saying, here's what I'm thinking of doing. We do one episode or a little teaser/trailer before we do episodes and if people really like it, we'll keep doing it. This is going to be a community project (so us, not craigslist) So for now, here's what I think we're going to need: - Team of writers (people that will write the script, propose ideas... I decided I'll be a part of that team. Maybe I'll be head writer. Let me know if you want to be part of this team) - Team of animators (Let me know if you're interested in doing that) - Voice Actors (after the team of writers and animators know the plan. We'll talk about this part later) - Musicians (for possibly some battle music, I'm thinking of asking GlitchCity. Anyways, we can talk about this later) Let me know what you guys think!
  8. True. I mean, it was just an idea. I'm still thinking about it. The reason I thought of it is because when I go to college, I'm thinking of studying film-making and acting. Still not sure if I'm gonna go through it though, but just an idea. Also, to be honest, I have no idea how to do it, but since the game is still not finished, we still have time to discuss the idea. But if I do decide to do it, then let me know if you're interested in helping me out with something or giving me some advice on how we could do it! Like, maybe I could write the script for each episode (like what the character says and all of that) or something. But FYI, I don't know to draw or animate, so yeah! Also, I would love to ask Amethyst what she thinks of this as well. Who knows, maybe she'll want to get involved in this!
  9. So, I just had a really awesome idea. Since the pokémon games are kinda of based off the series with Ash, how about a TV Show/episodes about Reborn? We can do episodes and download them on Youtube or something, how about it? I don't know, it was just an idea I got while playing Reborn because I really enjoy the storyline. Let me know what you guys think!
  10. Would you rather have Tepig or Torchic as your first starter in Reborn?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      But, between the two, which one would you pick. I mean, this is a "would you rather" game!

    3. BreezyPonie


      Tepig. Through hell or high waters I will NOT stoop down to using such an overpowered starter to cheese the game.

    4. Cepheus


      Torchic everyday... it's just THE cutest starter of ALL!

      (also Speed Boost)

  11. Also, there's a Mime Jr. event. Basically, what you have to do is set the Mime Jr. free from the cage in Carrots Mountain (when you are with Keta, getting the keys, in the room where Sharon and Eli are) Go up and you'll find a panel next to the trapped Mime Jr.
  12. Rejuvenation: How do i find Torkoal in Carotos Mountain (playing v6)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Can't find it! Where is it?

    3. Zumi


      Like chespin said, it should be a shadow pokemon which one of the SEC machines has. You should encounter it eventually while battling things.

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Alright! Thanks!

  13. Anybody wanna battle on Reborn Showdown?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      I'd also reccomend not using the name amethyst, since amethyst is the owner of the server

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Oops! My username is "Reborn Amethyst". Should I change it and if I do, how do I do it?

    4. ShadowStar


      You do /nick(insert name)

  14. Alright, working on it right now. Thanks!
  15. Alright, let's try it. So, yeah, I created an account. Do I need to build a team before I can battle?
  16. I know this is going to sound like a dumb question, but how do I sign up to Reborn Showdown?
  17. I got ti thinking about something. What if the protagonist (us) had a love interest. I don't know, but I just have some feeling that throughout the storyline that Venam, Aelita, Melia, and all the other main girls in Rejuvenation will confess their love for the protagonist. Not saying it should happen, just curious, what do you guys think? (I'm playing as a guy in Rejuv, that's why)
  18. Aw man, that's a bummer, but its kind of great because then it challenges me to not use healing items that heals completely
  19. @TimTim: Thanks, that really helped! Do you guys know where we can buy Hyper Potions and Revives?
  20. Is there going to be Mega Evolution in Rejuvenation because I would love to get a Mawilite for my Mawile!
  21. Need help! How do I solve Crawli's gym puzzle! I've been at it for like 3 hours and still don't get it!!!!!!
  22. You can find Machoke on Route 5 in Valor Path, but I think its rare though. EDIT: Just wanted to say you can find Arbork in the Sheridan Wetlands, but I think thats rare too.
  23. Alright, I found another way to beat this Demon Carnivine (finally beat this motherf¨¨¨¨¨!). So, I had a HM Slave that I leveled up. It learns Yawn while leveling up with the Exp. Share. Once I did that, I saved my game. I noticed that Power Whip is a very powerful move, but it can miss often. So, on the first turn, I sent out my HM Slave and when D. Carnivine move missed, I used Yawn (I had to be extremely lucky to do this! You have no idea how many times I had to restart my game!) Then, I switched it out with my Torterra. While D. Carnivine was asleep (not to mention some HP being drained because of dream corruption) , I kept using Curse on Torterra until it woke up. That's when I kept striking at this motherf***** with Crunch. I eventually healed when my Pokémon's HP was yellow or red. So, if you had a hard time with this, here's another way to do it. Thanks, Cool Girl (apologies about my long rant!) EDIT: How do I beat Groudon. Having a hard time with it (Nevermind. After trying again multiples times, I found a way. I took advantage of the field effects. I kept using Revives so that Groudon can use Earthquake and eventually the "schalactics would collapse on him. I also kept using Revives until the sunlight faded so that my Torterra wouldn't faint when it got hit with Fire Blast. I then used Giga Drain to beat it. Took me a lot of thinking, but I finally came up with a strategy! So, if you also had a hard time with this, here's the way I did it (unless you don't have revives ) (Sorry (again!) about the long rant!) EDIT 2: How to I find the Torkoal in Carrots Mountain (I'm playing v6)
  24. I'm not sure whether this is a event pokémon, but I'm having a lot of trouble defeating that Demon Carnivine. How do I beat it?
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