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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Hey, do you guys know where I can find the pictures for the protagonists in Pokémon Rejuvenation? The reason I need them is because I want to do a poll! Also, if you know the names for each of them, that would be great!
  2. Thank you, guys! @Vinny: I do need help on something, it's on the status update. Feel free to check it out!
  3. Do you guys know where I can find the pictures for the protagonists in Pokémon Rejuvenation?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Could you give me the link, please, can't find it!

    3. TimTim


      It's in your game folder, folder within Graphic subfolder, in it there is folder titled Characters, and the trainer sprites are in that folder

    4. TimTim


      message me and i will give you the screenshots if you still can't find it

  4. Do you guys know where I can find the pictures for the protagonists in Pokémon Rejuvenation?

  5. Cool Girl


    Hi, my name is Cool Girl and I absolutely love Pokémon! I've been playing Pokémon since I was five and the very first game Pokémon game I played was Pokémon Emerald. I love Pokémon Reborn and I'm about to start playing Pokémon Rejuvenation, too! Hope to meet ya'll!
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