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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I'm curious to know what the in-game protagonist's canon teams are for Pokémon Reborn and Pokémon Rejuvenation. I mean, we might as well ask Jan and Amethyst. But yeah, I'm curious to know that. Any ideas?
  2. "Well, I got medicines. Sadly, I don't know if I got enough magic to heal, but I can try. I also know how to do surgery a bit. Just take me to the injured, describe to me their injuries, and I'll do what I can." Althea responded
  3. She notices someone asking her to heal him: "Sure, what are his injuries?" She then turns to Richard: "Hey Richard, I'm going to see if there's anything I can do to help the clerics. After all, I want to help the wounded. If you need me, come find me, ok? Unless....you're ok coming with me if you want. You don't have to...I just don't want you to be bored..." She then leaves Richard with a kiss on the cheek and goes to one of the clerics: "Hey, you guys need help. I'm a cleric." she said to one of the clerics as she shows her necklace of Ioun.
  4. Well, finished Attack On Titan. There were still some questions I had that weren't answered in the anime, but hopefully season 3 will answer them. Overall, I liked it. Planning on watching Sword Art Online next. It's kind of embarrassing how I love anime, yet I've never watched Sword Art Online, which is like the must watch anime if you love anime!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      That last statement is extremely debatable..........

    3. RedAlert


      I'd advise you not to watch Sword Art Online, lol

      Great to know you enjoyed AoT!

    4. Wolfox


      SAO was a fun watch, I'm assuming you know the plot a little, but still


      what I like about the first arc of s1 is that technically, that can happen. if VR gaming like that becomes a thing, who can stop someone from creating a game that literally locks you in it with no way to log out?



  5. Althea runs towards Richard: "Are you okay? I was so worried for you! I didn't know you can heal yourself though... Althea then notices a small cut on Richard's arms: "Oh, missed a spot. Hold on." Althea then grabs a small bottle of rubbing alcohol: "Count to ten! This is gonna sting a bit." She then puts some on the cut, then puts ointment and wraps the wound in a bandage. "See that wasn't so bad now was it?" She then looks at Richard smiling. Woah! She then takes a moment. Yeah, we should head to the market place and then, I can interrogate the goblins there. By the way, where's everybody else?, she then asks Richard.
  6. Boruto and re-watching Attack On Titan
  7. So some of you may have heard my opinion on Attack on Titan. I said I did not like it, possibly because it was so overhyped to me and when you overhype something to me, I have really high expectations..I'm now giving Attack On Titan another chance..


    Holy s***! What the hell was I thinking! This anime is awesome! I really like it so far!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedAlert


      AoT is one of my favorite anime, especially because of the way the creator has envisioned and expanded the plot. If you read the manga, you'll come to know a lot of the history behind it and what exactly the reason for the titans' attack is taking place. If you're not planning to, hopefully season 3 will catch up to it.


      I like it because it places a lot of emphasis on going with the flow; sometimes making instantaneous decisions is a difficult thing and you'll be racked with guilt, and it teaches you that action that is more important than reasoning in certain circumstances.

    3. Jmanultrax1


      watch hero academy instead :3

    4. 5hift


      I do think it was pretty overhyped I mean don't get me wrong, it's a pretty damn good show but I'm a little annoyed that the studio took this long to produce a second season because it really felt like they were milking the success of the first season all while the manga just continued chugging on.

  8. So....showdown is down....what happened?

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its been down for about half a day now. server got reset, something borked, at first it was still accessible but then it fully crashed.

      I assume dan is looking for a solution.

  9. Althea notices the two goblins in front of Richard: "I'll leave them to you!" she said as she helps to evacuate the civilians.
  10. Yeah I'm wondering how the EXP system works. Like, how do we get EXP points so that we can level up.
  11. Man, I never knew grinding in Pokémon Reborn takes a while. Trying to level up my Pachirisu, Kabuto, and Slurpuff to level 59. So far, I got Pachirisu to level 46, Kabuto to level 26, and I haven't started on Slurpuff, therefore, it's still at level 15.

    1. AiedailEclipsed


      Eventually when you battle the trainers in the Grand Hall enough, you max out your money (as in you won't earn any more unless you get rid of some). What to spend it on? Rare Candy! Build up a nice stock for when it might be inconvenient to grind the old fashioned way. I also buy a ton of Repels and other useful things. Just some food for thought!

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Oh yeah, there's that too! I completely forgot! Thanks! :) 

    3. RedAlert


      To be honest, leveling up Pokemon is comparitively much much easier than the original games. I was playing Soul Silver after a while yesterday, and after nearly 6 hours of gameplay 4 of my Pokemon hit Level 18...

  12. Happy 4th Of July, y'all! :) 

  13. Althea hears the crack of the neck and she then sees the monk. But, then she also notices a goblin behind her. Shen then casts sacred flame in hopes that it'll distract him and give the monk enough time to get to the goblin and kill it. She then joins Richard and asks him: "I'm well aware that an enemy army is invading the land. But why though?!?!"
  14. So along with the anime recommendation, I thought I would talk a bit about my trip to Kauai. It was very fun class trip and I loved it! We went to a lot of beaches, kayaking, snorkeling, and got to cook delicious food for each other. If you guys love nature, then I definitely recommend you guys check Kauai out as there is a lot of nature, so like hikes and all of that and less touristy things to do. Pretty much that's all we did in Kauai, so hiking, snorkeling, kayaking, and going to beaches. Here are some pics I took. If you guys want more pics, let me know and I'll do my best to find them. And also, we got to watch awesome anime, like "Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto" For more info on the anime, click here: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28041-havent-you-heard-im-sakamoto/#comment-666882 But yeah, any questions y'all let me know!
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