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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Genre: Comedy Plot: Sophisticated, suave, sublime; all words which describe the exceedingly handsome and patently perfect Sakamoto. Though it is only his first day in high school, his attractiveness, intelligence, and charm already has the girls swooning and the guys fuming with jealousy. No one seems able to derail him, as all attempts at tripping him up are quickly foiled. His sangfroid is indomitable, his wits peerless. Will any of Sakamoto's classmates, or even teachers, be able to reach his level of excellence? Probably not, but they just might learn a thing or two trying... (Credits go to MyAnimeList for plot) My thoughts: If you love a good horny comedy, then I recommend watching this. It's really a great way to kill time with friends. I watched it with my classmates in Kauai and man we had a great laugh. Let me know your thoughts on this anime recommendation!
  2. Happy birthday, brother! You're awesome man! Keep being the greatest gazelle ever!
  3. Bienvenue à Reborn! Feels good to see another frenchie! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  4. Must watch you guys: 


    1. Wolfox


      guess there's still hope for me to get my life on track. but I bet you the second I got it back on track, I will realize I'm not a train

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Point is: don't give up. Keep trying. I hope that video helps show you that.


      Another example of someone like that in the vid.


      He was constantly bullied, grew up in poverty, had a drug addiction, and attempted suicide. The bullying was so bad that he dropped out of high school.

      - Eminem, 13 Time Grammy Winner, sold over 90 Million Albums Worldwide, and is considered one of the greatest rappers of all time.

  5. This is seriously not a joke. Lesson Of The Day: don't let depression define you.

    1. Wolfox


      depression kicks you while you're already down. gotta try to stay positive!

  6. "Man, screw it! This is not a fight we can take on right now!" she tells everybody in hopes that they'll retreat. And with that, Althea runs to join Richard and as she runs to join him, she then says: "Hey, take care of everybody, ok? I already saw one person dead. I don't want to see anymore, otherwise I'll feel really bad about myself!". She then joins Richard and tells him:"You know, now would be the time where I tease and insult you a bit for running away from a fight! But, now that we see that we can't win this fight right now, I'll cut you some slack! By the way, feel free to insult me now 'cause I was about to tease you!" With that, she then goes on to say something else as she's running with Richard: "What the hell is going on here?" As she said that, she notices more goblins, coming their way and then says: "Watch out guys!" and then prepares to fight in hopes that Richard will also be prepared to fight.
  7. 5/10 Don't know what it's suppose to be sorry
  8. Today was a good day :3 I got two bubble teas :3

    1. Zarc


      Things are getting better for you :) 

    2. HongaarseBeer


      Good to hear!

      Now, I've heard a lot about bubble tea, tell me something about it, please. Does it taste differently, can you eat those bubbles?

    3. Wolfox


      good to hear :)

  9. Man, count me in for this! 1) So my top two favorite yugioh animes so far are Yugioh GX and Yugioh 5ds 2) I play a lot of aggro decks, although now, my playstyle is aggro and control. My favorite decks are: Dark Worlds, Six Samurai, Heroes (elemental, evil, and masked heroes), my absolute favorite from GX generation is Gladiator Beast. 3) I like to do all sorts of things. It's in my profile I believe, so go ahead and check that out. Ok, I hope that good enough info to at least get an idea. If you're not sure, let me know.
  10. There are injured, but we can't right now. There's no room or time to heal. Guess I'll have to go on the offensive here. Althea thinks to herself. Althea agonizes a bit in pain as she took a bit of fire damage and gets out of the fire. She grabs a small bottle of ointment and puts it on her injury in hopes that it'll heal a bit. She thens decides to cast sacred flame on the ogre in hopes that the others can get an opening to attack. "Hey, now's your chance!" Althea screams to the others
  11. Althea decides to head out with the others in case they need healing. "Hey wait for me guys, you might use some healing. I'll take care of your wounds, so kick their butts alright! Besides, I can fight a bit too ya know!" "Someone keep an eye on those goblins though. We're gonna interrogate them later."
  12. This year has been one of the toughest years I've ever been through. I don't feel like myself anymore. This year, I had 5 people that I know pass away. This is how it all started. Last summer, in August, a classmate of mine committed suicide. Now flashforward to December, the school grabs us by one by one and asks us how we're doing. I tell them I'm doing fine. They said we don't think so and then they take away two of my classes, science elective and Calculus, then they say you have to attend mandatory therapy. They say if I can't agree to all of this, they'll have to expel me. I cried hysterically, I felt scared, I felt my life was threatened. And well, the passing of more friends and family certainly didn't help. For about two months, I was scared to go to school. Everytime I would go to school, my hands would shake. If I saw the faces of the people who did this to me, I would scream. For a month, I could barely eat anything. Now, they say time heal all wounds. That has been the case somewhat, but I am still deeply affected. Here's how I've been affected: 1) I lost all of my self-esteem. I lost all of my confidence. 2) I'm scared to talk and I'm scared to ask questions at times. Heck, I feel like I'm scared of everything. I think it's because I feel like if I talk or ask a question, I'm going to go through it again. 3) I feel like failure. I feel like everything I'm going to do, I'll fail. 4) I doubt myself a lot. Just as I'm about to do something, I then doubt myself. For example, college. I say to myself that I'll go to college, and then, I say I won't go because I feel like I don't deserve it because I'm failure. 5) I don't feel like myself anymore. I feel more angry most times for no reason. I don't know why. I used to be an optimist and now, it feels like I'm a pessimist. Pretty much, I feel like I lost hope. Like I'm just in this deep sadness and I'm trying to get out of it. 6) I feel hated everywhere I go. Therefore, which is why I'm probably scared. 7) Sometimes, I get nightmares. But, it's usually not a problem. All these feelings have somewhat led me to feeling suicidal, but I can control it at times, which is good. That being said, I have taken steps to try and recover from all of this. 1) I somewhat have my mom as support. My mom may not understand what I'm going through, but at least she tries to help me as much as she can. 2) I've started meditating. So my friends keep telling me I should meditate when I feel stressed out, so I have. 3) I'm trying to go out more. I'm hoping that spending more time with people will restore my faith in humanity. I know this is all hard to believe. But, you may be asking. Why is this affecting me so deeply? Well, because at my previous school, I was bullied. And having to go through this, makes me feel like I don't belong anywhere. Now, I did want to go to Tunisia to see my grandparents to truly recover, but that can't happen due to safety. So, I guess I just have to work with what I have. I wanted to tell you guys my story 'cause I don't want anybody to go through what I went through. Honestly, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. It really took a lot for me to just write this. Heck, my hands were a bit shaky when I wrote this. I hope you guys may have a better understanding of why there are times I'm just not myself or I feel sad. If you guys have any questions or advice or anything to say, please let me know. I'll be happy to hear you out.
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