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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Althea overheard the little girl saying that someone was kidnapped and then says to the captain: "You're right. We have a hostage now. That is our priority" Althea says very seriously. "Where do we start though? We might as well ask the goblins where they are holding her".
  2. Althea notices the captain and tells him that everything is alright. Althea then tells everyone to gather around the unconscious goblins. "Ok, guys, I'm gonna wake the goblins up now for interrogation. Since we couldn't tie them up, I need you guys to surround them in case they plan to escape" And with that said, Althea grabs a small vial containing an herb with a strong smell which wakes people up and puts it and goes left and right with it in front of the goblin's noses in hopes that they'll wake up.
  3. Man, I'm a little emotional....Finished the Dangaronpa anime....

    1. Wolfox


      yeah, that's a tear jerker

  4. Hey guys, any ideas where I can find a Link stone in the reborn game? I checked to see the guy in front of the grand staircase. He wasn't there, so pls if you know anywhere else I can find one, let me know.

    1. FairFamily


      You can get one from the man thats on the roof in the obsidia slums you do need a rare candy though. For more location :



  5. I'd definitely be interested in more tournaments!
  6. Does anybody still read comic books? 'Cause I still like read Marvel and DC comics

    1. Anime


      sometimes but i still read some comics

  7. Althea keeps grabbing buckets of water until the fire is out. She wants to go to the screaming, but knows that putting out the fire is a priority.
  8. "Thanks!" Althea tells the bard. She then heals the monk and screams: "Hey, cover for me! There might be more coming and the only thing I can use to defend myself is my staff and my shield spell!" Althea then runs to the storage room and tries her best to put out the fire. She is still worried about the screaming, but she trusts Richard when he says he'll take care of it and that everything is going to be fine.
  9. Happy birthday man! Let's keep building awesome teams together! Glad to be friends!
  10. "Yeah, I will! You be careful yourself! Look, if you see anybody hurt outside, let me know! I'll get there as soon as I can!" She then addresses everybody in the tavern: "Also guys, try not to get hurt a lot. You know magic has its limits too!"
  11. For the Reborn game, at what level should I evolve Swirlix?

    1. Wolfox


      seeing that it's Lvl up move set doesn;t change a bit, I would say ASAP

  12. Radomus is so rad!

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