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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. May I also suggest changing your avatar pics into your character portrait. It may make the experience a lot more fun!
  2. Althea felt like she had to remind people of this: "Hey guys, try to keep them alive if you can! That way, we can question them and get information! And can someone try and put those fires out! If possible of course!"
  3. I'm not good with knowing timezones, but since I'm in CA, I guess that lets you know what my timezone is
  4. Althea wipes her tears and enters serious mode. She drags the unconscious goblin (see map). She then focuses on healing the bartender: "You're lucky. He barely missed your heart." After she finishes healing the bartender, she then tells him: "Can you tie him up please? That way, he won't get away" she asks the barman. She wants to attack more goblins, but after seeing how that went when she threw the sleep medicine, she decided it's better to stay put and focus on healing the injured.
  5. What the hell is going on?! Althea wondered to herself "God dang it! And I was really hoping it would work!" as Althea said that, she felt terribly guilty that it didn't work out. "Hey guys, one's groggy, while you still can, tie him up and knock him out! I at least need one alive" She then cries, but tries to remain strong.
  6. In the reborn game, who did you side with: El or Radomus?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wolfox


      I always pick Radomus. for one because he's likely my favorite reborn Gym Leader (Sorry Adrienn, but even xe can't beat a true genius). And I had a weird feeling about El all the way through that part of the game

    3. Maelstrom


      @Hycrox- Truth and doubt have always been old friends.

    4. Wolfox


      I belief that El has history with Radomus in the sense of being enemies. like Radomus rebeling against Team Meteor or something

  7. So, I don't know if you guys saw my status update, but I mentioned bringing back Pokénation. I know that Jericho doesn't want to do it again. But @Hycrox and I are happy to help organize it 'cause I think a lot of us loved it so much, but yeah might be something to talk about with the auths as well. Might not happen this summer, but @Hycrox, me, and others are willing to prepare organizing it for next summer.
  8. Althea could no longer stay put. She then remembers that she had sleep medicine, which when ingested or inhaled, 'causes sleep. She wanted them alive in order to interrogate them. So, she got the idea to throw sleep medicine at them. It has a very strong smell and when inhaled can cause sleep. So, she decided to hide behind the bar (see where I moved myself on the roll20 map) to scream at the top of her lungs: "EVERYBODY, HOLD YOUR BREATH RIGHT NOW!" and she then throws it at the four goblins remaining in hopes that it'll make them fall asleep. She then runs to Helga to protect her and hides with her for a while.
  9. Althea was surprised by the five goblins. She notices that they say "For Sinruth! For the Red Hand!" She wondered "Who's Sinruth?" and what is "The Red Hand?" But she knows that now isn't the time to think about that. We are under attack, we have to focus!" she thought to herself. Althea smiled as Richard said "M'lady, I think it's time for me to fight for your honor!" She then responds by saying: "Alright, what do I do? Do I hide or stay put? Also, I'll heal any wounded and build barriers to protect them. Just let me know if you see an injured or someone who needs protection!" Althea said with confidence.
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