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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Alright, then I'll meet you in the front of the bar tomorrow morning. I have to warn you though, I probably oversleep, so if I accidentally sleep in, try and wake me up please! XD As Richard is about to leave, she gives him a passionate kiss on the lips and waves goodbye. "Hey, don't forget the food you ordered too XD"
  2. Althea notices that he finished his performance and decides to give him at tip in front of him on the ground.
  3. #bringbackPokéNation


    It was so much fun! Is it still going to happen?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      im down whens it happening

    3. Azeria


      I've got little interest in hosting another event this shortly after redemption finished but I'd be interested in seeing this happen again. As stated by Jeri and Commander, Kiozo is the best person to talk to. Make sure to put together a group of people that can administrate the challenges and stuff well without resulting into infighting too. Develop things instead of rushing them out. Good luck.

    4. Kiozo


      I'm surprised people are even referencing me to be honest. But thanks for the respect in doing so, I appreciate that.

      As far as things go on here I'm not really sure where my influence even lies; not to throw out things publically but I recall the last time I talked to a particular auth about retaking control of something I had started and others had continued; I was told to my face that it wasn't going to happen after being told I didn't do enough, as auth. So honestly I don't even know where that all lies.

      I also don't have any clue about the state of Reborn in reference to all of the events and such. I tried to remain interested in some aspects but some are evasive in that sense. I guess I could do some talking and whatnot to see where it all leads.

  4. Ok so I got a lot. I'll try my best to remember them. If I forgot to mention someone, pls let me know. @Amethyst Thank you so much for creating this awesome game! Reborn has inspired me in so many ways! @Jan Thank you for making Rejuvenation! Like Reborn, I've been inspired in so many ways! @mde2001, @Zumi Keep being awesome as auths! @Jericho We haven't talked in a while, but your gaming streams are awesome! Keep being cool! @Arkhi Thanks for always having my back whenever I needed it! @DW~ What can I say? You're cool! @Hycrox I know we just started talking, but you've been an awesome friend! @Personthing Thank you so much for helping me in my start at the Redemption League! I absolutely love it and will come back for next season! @goldenchimchar You're an awesome battle coach and I definitely have improved my battling skills! You've also been a great friend and I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! @Noir We haven't talked much 'cause you're busy, but when you show up, I always enjoy talking to you, which is awesome! @Jmanultrax1 and @Cyanna Cyril Keep being awesome you two! @SonOfRed I know you're busy, but thanks for helping me with my projects and hopefully someday, we'll be able to get back to work on it! @Miss Kitty It's been a while! We're both writers, so I'm glad to have met you!
  5. Hello and Welcome to the Reborn forums! We hope you enjoy your stay!
  6. Hello and welcome to the Reborn forums! We hope you enjoy your stay! I'm so happy you mentioned Japan 'cause I love it too! It's my dream vacation!
  7. "Oh yes, please that would be wonderful! " "XD, I think I'm good for now" At first, she was concerned for the dwarf and wanted to see if she could help treat him, but she trusted Richard and just stood in her seat. I'm not sure what to think of this town. I mean, I haven't really checked anything out. Although, how far is Sayre. 'Cause if it is pretty far, we'll have to stock up on supplies. You know, food, medicine, maybe you'll need paladin stuff. So here's the plan. It's getting late, so all the shops are closed for sure. I suggest we rest up and then early tomorrow morning, we'll stock up and then leave. Does that sound like a good plan?"
  8. Althea smiled back as Richard promised that he will protect her. He always pays the bartender for the drinks and gives him a tip. Althea grabs the drink to the bartender and raises it to make her toast to her new friend Richard in hopes that he would clink his glass with hers. "To you! " She then takes a sip. She also notices Richard was waiting for some food and then waves to the bartender again: "Sorry to bother you again, but if you have any desserts, could you bring them all to me please?" She then looks back at Richard. "Now that I think about it, got any place in mind that we should travel to? I don't care either way, I don't have a specific place I need to go for now" Althae said out loud in hopes the bartender heard that and may give her some info. She then notices a blue skin woman poking a drunk dwarf and turns to look closely. She then tugs on Richard's shirt so that he also notices what's going on and then tells him: "That's weird. Is he going to be okay? Should we do something or just stay quiet?"
  9. Hey guys, when there's weather in the reborn game, does it last for 3 days. 'Cause I'm trying to beat Noel and I can't light the field on fire because it's raining, so I'm waiting until the rain stops. So yeah, does weather last for 3 days?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      @Vanitas You couldn't use FireFox anymore because it detected that the website's code identified it to be from the future/past or something like that. Basically when the date of your PC and a website are heavily mismatched it often gets blocked, because it's not supposed to be that way.


      @Cool Girl As mentioned, weather is bugged in Ep16 and changing the date often doesn't help either. You can use a mod that lets you manually select the weather, if you really don't want to fight Noel during rain.

      Alternatively, have you tried using a Grass Type with Leaf Storm? Switching it out after every use lets you nuke most of his team pretty well.

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      So where would I post the weather problem in the bug reporting, like you know what sub-forum?

    4. Wolfox


      the bug is well known already iirc

  10. I'm really sorry to hear that happened. I really sympathize with you 'cause I was also severely bullied at school (I'm not anymore, but yeah...) Stay strong, friend!
  11. Althea was very happy of the compliment Richard had given her. Sheesh, and what happened to a little of mystery. Very well then, I'll humor you. You're right when you think that I'm not strong. I'm not much of a fighter. As you can see from my necklace of Ioun, I'm a cleric. My specialty is towards healing the injured. But, I'll tell you what, while we're traveling together, you teach me how to fight and I'll heal your wounds. Who knows? Maybe I'll even teach you how to heal wounds. So, you see, if we travel together, it'll benefit both of us. I heal your wounds, you protect me. But, of course, I only want to travel together 'cause I think we're great friends. Now, I'm leaving my past the mysterious part. Maybe you'll learn about my past as we travel together. I also do my best to fight evil. During my travels, I come across people who have seen evil and need help dealing with it, but like I said, I'm not much of a fighter, but I still do my best nonetheless.
  12. Althea blushes again. "You're right. A little of mystery is good. Very well, let's keep it that way then. I might eventually figure it out once we travel together. She then waves to the bartender. "Hey, bartender, may we have two drinks. One for my friend and one for me, please?" Althea was very happy. For her, this was the start of a wonderful friendship. For some reason, she felt like they might become more than friends. But, for now, she just wants them to be friends and left it at that and had a huge smile on her face.
  13. Althea blushes. She was sure that he was gonna kiss her. She then tries to remain calm and continue the friendly conversation. "Sure why not? I'm always looking for people to travel with" she says as she leans towards Richard. "So, got any purpose behind your travels?" she asks him as she takes a sip from her drink
  14. "So you say you're a good swimmer?" Exorcia declared in her calm voice. "How about we see whose the better athlete then?" she asked Chloe
  15. "You talking to me?" Althea asks the tall man as she approaches towards him and sits down next to him with her drink. "Thanks, but I'm sure everything is gonna be fine. Besides, you look strong yourself. If you care, you might as well protect me. Haha, I was joking. Thanks." Althea then tucks in her necklace. "The name is Althae. What's yours?"
  16. Sure, I'll have one thanks! She then turns to Yisan so that she can watch his performance while having her drink.
  17. I think I'lll reserve, but I may need help creating the character...so yeah.... Actually on second thought, never mind. I won't be joining sorry. Maybe someday I will though
  18. As Althae walks into the bar, she notices some interesting faces. She then decides to sit down at the barstool and wait for the bartender. She also notices a guy with a harp and thinks "Well, this is going to be interesting." She then looks towards him, waiting for him to play his tune.
  19. Oh yeah another thing I forgot to mention. Depending on the anime character, put yourself in their shoes. Think about the kind of pokémon they would want to use. That way, when you're gonna play the game, you already know the kind of pokémon to look for the anime character team, if you know what I'm saying.
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