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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I think doing a anime character run will be very interesting as it has never been done here before. But, it'll also probably be a lot of work, 'cause then you'll need a sprite of a anime character, which you can get and then you'll need someone to incorporate them in your save file. But, it's definitely worth doing. So, I think you should do it like that, but hey up to you!
  2. Althea happily walks towards "The Antler and Thistle" in search of a place to rest, to help people in need, and to make new friends. She was very excited to see what she will encounter! She walks excited with her staff in her hand, proudly embracing the symbol of Ioun. She then notices a big tall guy walking the same direction. She wants to talk to him, but she doesn't dare to. Instead, she keeps on walking and decides to wait and see what will happen.
  3. Happy Birthday Amine! I'm so glad we met each other and got to be awesome friends!
  4. Hey just wanted to let you know I'll be reserving a spot I think I might have a character but yeah anyways reserving a spot
  5. My mom wants me to wear a retainer to fix my teeth or something like that. I wore it before and was teased because of it. So I said no, and well, I'm almost 17 and don't want to give people the impression that I'm freak and don't want my speech to be slurred because of the retainer. Not sure what to do....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Maelstrom


      tfw Wolfox is trolling.

    3. Wolfox


      not even, I always consider what's better long term over short term for me.

    4. Tartar


      Never compromise your dental health. Your teeth need to stick with you for 70-80 more years. And considering our generation will on average live till we're 100, having your teeth compromised early on because you refused to follow the advice of your dentist at 16 and having to pay large sums of money for surgery down the line isn't a pleasant experience at all. 


      So I recommend you bite the bullet and avoid bigger hardships down the line. 

  6. Not necessarily Exorcia declared to Chloe calmly. "How about you try it for yourself and then judge?" she asks Chloe calmly as she keeps eating her tart.
  7. Well, I graduated today. So many things have happened and I'm glad I somehow got over them. Expect formal post soon or when I can about what I had to go through....

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