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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Happy Birthday DW! I mean babe but that's private lol
  2. Exorcia was very impressed by Edmund's response. She follows him and apologize. "Sorry, that was a test. Exorcia Miranda. Please to make your acquaintance." she said as she tries to shake Edmund's hand. "I see that you are a song person. In that case, have one of my recommendations: Full Song Exorcia then walks away smiling towards Edmund and putting back on her headphones
  3. Exorcia looks over to Edmund with a face of disgust and gives him the glare while she has her headphones on. She crosses her arms and tells him coldly. "Do you mind not singing. You're annoying. I'm trying to listen to my music. I hope you don't take it offensively, but I have a hard time trusting anyone. And well, I'm usually shy but I guess now I feel a bit selfish" she tells him. "By the way, in case you didn't know, we're all from group 12 no duh." Great. Now I have a singing guy and some energetic people. Just what I needed in my life. Exorcia thought to herself
  4. Exorcia looks at Rocky, then sighs "Maybe I'll tell you when the time is right." she says to Rocky shyly As she said that, she thought about her parents and wondered why they brought her here.
  5. Exorcia shakes Rocky's hand. "Any reason you decided to come to this school?" she asks Rocky
  6. Exorcia takes off her headphones. "You talking to me?" she asked Rocky "My name is Exorcia Miranda" she says a bit shyly. "Nice to meet you" she says as she gives a small smile and closes her eyes.
  7. A girl with brown-black hair looks around the buildings shyly as she walks towards the main entrance with her headphones on. She looks around and sees the other students coming. She isn't sure what to think. What am I suppose to expect? she thinks to herself Oh well hopefully they won't bug me she also thinks to herself
  8. Well, I got this. Don't know if it's good or not. I don't even know if that's me Also, I never watched Jojo
  9. So update on the United incident. A settlement has been reached. More, United has now changed their policies, which is good. But then, more incidents happen! Take a look at these: Ok, cleary, there's need to be better training for employees! I mean, WHAT THE HELL?! A flight was being delayed and he had to go pee during that delay! Absolutely nothing wrong with that! As for the lady with the stroller, we don't really know the whole story. But I will say this, as a person who has flown American Airlines before, if your stroller can be folded, you're allowed to bring it in the overhead bin. Also, when you are a flight attendant, you have to have patience. Clearly the flight attendant in the American Airlines video handled this situation really wrong. I think there were both faults on the passenger who stood up for the woman and the flight attendant. Because the more the passenger screamed at the flight attendant and the more the flight attendant responded, the more the situation escalated. That's all for now, let me know what you guys think of the airline industries.
  10. As a French Muslim, I also do not like LePen. I'm not really for Macron either. But yeah, we definitely see similarities between the French elections and American elections. Me personally, I think this election is a mess. My parents voted and my dad didn't vote for neither of those candidates. My mom, however, voted for Macron, but then regretted it after she voted for him. Also, this may help with understanding the French elections, but France does not have a Electoral College. The way it works is that you vote and you have the choice of all the candidates and then the two candidates with the most votes move on to the next round. In my opinion, that is a good voting system better than the Electoral College as I feel that system represents the people's voices. Also, allow me to translate Chase's topic title for you guys. It means: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. I'll be honest, I was not expecting a lot of people here to talk about the French Elections so yeah. Thanks for the conversation, Chase.
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