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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I may not know you much, but nonetheless happy birthday! Have a good one!
  2. Yo! I know you because I see you on Dylanrockin's channel! Welcome!
  3. Man I'm sorry to say this again, but I'll have to release my claim. For some reason, school work and other stuff just keeps piling up. Also, thought my idea could work, but I didn't think it looked good. I am so sorry, Jan
  4. Man Digimon was part of my childhood. I wanna know who my partner is!
  5. Ok, I'll be honest here. I just saw the pepsi commercial and I found nothing offending about it. That being said, I think I can understand why people were offended.

  6. Hey I'd like to release my claim on Litten. I'll still work on Palossand though.
  7. Now American Airlines might getting flack because of the incident. That being said, I'm so happy the way they handled it.

    1. Anime


      what incident? what happened?

    2. Cool Girl
    3. Anime


      thats not fair: being pulled away from a seat he PAID for :( as for the mother i feel sorry for her

      well i'm glad they handled the situation anyway

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