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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. So, I was wondering what changes should I make. I made the gun change thing. She doesn't own a gun. You can let me know by PM on the reborn forums. I really appreciate your feedback, just want to know how I can make it work. Thank you!
  2. I do have a dog, yes. Her name is Amber! Are you planning on trying game-making?
  3. Ok, here's my sheet. Did my best. Let me know what you think of this. Like I said, I haven't done much role-play, so sorry if I'm bad
  4. +Champion CoolGirl: I meant I lick my own blood +Champion CoolGirl: what do you think I meant?! Cyanna Cyril: do you bleed your own blood? +Champion CoolGirl: well you have a cut on your hand so yeah.... %RLDR HELEN: WHY DO YOU EAT YOUR BLOOD %RLDR HELEN: THAT'S BAD Avatar of the Meme: It's tasty in a metallic way~ +Champion CoolGirl: it's got those good nutrients +Champion CoolGirl: calcium, vitamins..... • SNOWY AMINE THROWS DW INTO THE WET MOAT Mahogany Mark: The nutrients return to your body • Avatar of the Meme jumps out of the WET MOAT +Champion CoolGirl: yeah so by licking my own blood Avatar of the Meme: Also CG Avatar of the Meme: how does my blood taste :3 +Champion CoolGirl: I'm pretty much returning the nutrients to my body +Champion CoolGirl: and no I will never ever taste your blood DW Avatar of the Meme: I mean Avatar of the Meme: you did lick those wounds once Avatar of the Meme: :3 @Quіnn: tasting other peoples blood is how you get aids @Quіnn: dont get aids kids
  5. Sheet is coming. Just wondering if any of you guys would be willing to give feedback on my character sheet.
  6. Apparently, Starbucks has this new drink called Unicorn something. Everybody is saying it's disgusting. But have any of you guys tried it? Should I try it?

    1. DW~


      Ah, a drinkable meme. The true pinnacle of human advancement :]

  7. So, this has been on my mind for a while. We have a justice system and I have no doubt in my mind that it works. That being said, I see that there are times when it doesn't work. Studies have shown that offenders who are in jail the first time and who get released will be repeat offenders. I thought the point of prison is to "rehabilitate". My dad and I had a conversation about this a while ago. My dad thinks that first offenders like drugs and all of that shouldn't go to jail, but should go to rehab and then if they repeat it, that's when they go to jail. I also have something about the death penalty. If someone kills someone and we do the same to them, isn't that us going down to their level? Also, there are problems. What if they guy/girl you're executing is proven to be innocent afterwards? That is bad. I heard we also spend more money on prisons than education! That being said, I like this judge's idea This is what we should be doing at times. There's a show on A&E called 60 Days In. Basically, it's prisons that grab volunteers who are citizens to go undercover in prison and report them their findings. I recommend you guys watch it as it can be informative. Let me know your thoughts on this! I'm sorry if I've missed some things, but this is really a broad topic. Thanks, CG
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