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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I think I rather betray others. Don't know why lol Do you like memes?
  2. Not really, no. I just use a piece of paper or a post-it note. That's about it. Do you write books? And if so, do you hope you can get them published some day?
  3. Don't you hate writer's block? Been having it for months now. It sucks.

  4. As promised, here are funny pictures
  5. So, these pictures are kind of old. I'll post the rest once someone posts here. But here is a picture of my costume from the school play we did which was The Princess Bride. I played the kid!
  6. Well, started watching the Boruto series and finished all the episodes that came out...for now...My first impression of it tbh: meeehhhhh/ehhhhhhh

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