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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  2. I love dark and white chocolate! Not a fan of milk chocolate though.....
  3. Hey happy birthday man. We may not know each other much, but I saw you battling and you seem like a rad battler! Keep being coo! Have a cake!
  4. Happy Easter! :D lol I didn't know 'til now XD

    1. LykosHand


      Thanks and Happy Easter you too :), i hope you will spend a nice day :D

  5. I just wanted to take the time to gather my thoughts here about certain incidents that have happened and to remember the victims. Part 1 United Airline Passenger Forcibly Removed From Plane A couple of days ago, a video surfaced of a United Airline passenger forcibly removed from a United Airline plane. Here is the video in case you haven't seen it yet. Be warned though as it may contain disturbing content. So, according to United or whoever, a flight from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked. They say it was overbooked because they needed to make room for four United employees on the plane. They said that whoever voluntarily leaves the plane will get a $800 United voucher. At that point, a couple had left but nobody volunteered. So, they announced that they will randomly select passengers to leave the plane. The passenger you see in the video, who was a doctor, refused to leave the plane because he had patients to see the next day. At that point, law enforcement was called and the man still refused. That is when it started. He was dragged off and brutally beaten as you can see by the video. The man was distraught and in shock. I did a little bit of research of what flights do when they're overbooked. In the city of Chicago, when a flight is overbooked, they can/need to offer up to $1300, if no-one leaves the plane at a point. Even so, the definition of volunteer is "to do something willingly without force". That was not the case here. What they should have done is keep looking until a passenger wanted to leave the plane. Even so, I also heard that airlines will sell more tickets than there are seats for money, which I think is horrible because that causes overbooking. What I think airlines should do is be like ok we have this much seats. Subtract the amounts of seats you have with Airline employees and the total you get is the amount of seats you will sell. After the incident happened, the doctor is now planning to sue the airline and Chicago PD as he should. His lawyer said that he had a concussion, two lost teeth, and had to get reconstructive surgery because of his injuries. For the people out there who say that this had to do with race, stop it! It doesn't matter whether he was white or African-American or Hispanic, they probably would've acted the same way. This is not a race issue. I'm pissed at the CEO. It took him about three times to actually properly apologize. I hope this man wins in court because he did not deserve any of that! And screw United, I'm not flying them again. Part 2 San Bernardino School Shooting Apparently, the shooter had a wife who was a teacher there and a son. His marriage was heading for divorce. So he killed his wife and son and injured another student and then committed suicide. THIS IS SICK AND DISGUSTING ON EVERY LEVEL! I don't care if your marriage was heading for divorce or not! You work it out, not shoot a freakin' school and scare everybody! Anyway, that's what I have to say. Let me know your thoughts on all of this. Thanks for reading y'all, really... I just want to provide important discussion so really thank you for reading this.
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