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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. My class and I are gonna pull a prank on the whole school :3 It's a school tradition. Gonna set up today and when they come tomorrow, then won't even see it coming XD

    1. CrossImpact


      tell us how it went xD

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I might not be able to do that due to the fact that on the day of the prank, we don't go to school. But yeah if I do know how it went, I'll let you guys know :) 

    3. Anime


      Lol, in their faces xD make sure to put some buckets on the doors, or glue on their chairs :3

  2. I was motivated to discuss about this after I saw something while I was volunteering and working at a judo tournament while waiting to compete. So, my job was to basically organize pools and take the competitors to a mat. I also had to grab winner results and hand it to the person on the mic to announce them. While I was guiding the competitors to announce the winners, at nearly every group I had, I would see little children crying because they lost. Then, I saw a father telling his child that he sucks. I was boiling mad and pissed and basically yelled at him something like "You don't tell that to your child! You tell him he's doing a good job and that he should keep working hard to get better!" I also had a child say to himself that he's a loser. Man, it broke my heart real bad to see all these little children feeling terrible when they lost. Also, I don't mean to be rude, it's just an observation, but a lot of these little children were Asian. I told my mom what I saw and she said, it's the culture in which I understand. I just don't think it's right and it's fair which is why I feel so bad for these children. So, that story is what inspired to write this to you guys today. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all fail. That's what being human is all about. Whoever told you that they never made a mistake or have never failed in their life is lying to you. I spent a lot of my life trying to prove people wrong and have failed many times. Trust me when I tell you, it kills you. It will only make your life harder and miserable. I saw this awesome graph on twitter which exactly demonstrates that Your life is going to have ups and downs. You're going to be told that you're nothing and that you can't do it. The important thing is that you don't let it get to your head. I've been told many times that I'm nothing and yes, it hurts, but you know what, as my life gradually continued, I had friends who helped and support me. I'm not gonna lie, it was so bad I even though suicide! Why didn't I do it? Well 'cause I know I would hurt my friends. I would let my parents down who sacrificed everything to move to a stranger country. I can tell y'all, I'm doing a lot better not worrying to much about winning all the time than I did before. I've always believed that nothing is impossible if you work hard for it. My mom always told me this French saying "Si on le veux, on le peux!" It pretty much means "When there's a will, there's a fire!" You have a dream? Then put in the effort and work hard! It doesn't matter how many times you fail at it, keep trying 'cause if it's really your dream, then you wouldn't give up easily on it! Just like Ame said: KEEP TRYING! It's so sad how many stories I hear of people killing themselves because they feel like failure. Last year, there was a suicide at a nearby high school where my middle school friends were at. When are we going to learn that failure is okay? There is so much pressure put on children! STOP! ENOUGH! Our job is to encourage and motivate them, not to tell them that they failed and therefore they'll always fail! Seriously, I get so fired up when I hear or see something like this happen like I did in the judo tournament! Man, I'm so glad I spoke against that father! And I encourage you to do the same! Anyways, I wrote this to provide discussion. Let me know what you guys thought of this. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  3. Well I don't really speak German or Japanese. I'm trying my best to learn them though.
  4. Like Amine, I speak four languages: English, French, Arabic, and Spanish XD LOL WE'RE TWINS CONFIRMED XD
  5. Happy birthday to my awesome friend of over a year! Thanks for helping me improve my battling and writing skills! Have a good one, my friend!
  6. I have a suggestion. How about we change champions? What I mean by that is Shinyrio beat Oliver, so Shinyrio becomes the new champion and whichever one of us gets there has to battle Shinyrio and it goes on. You guys know what I'm saying? I think it'd be more fun that way.
  7. Not sure how to do this, but here goes: I like to interact with people even though I'm not confident. People say I'm really energetic. I like to learn, so hit me up! I'm a really open minded person. For books, I recommend To Kill A MockingBird by Harper Lee and Agatha Christie novels (I love murder mystery novels so yeah). For anime, I recommend Shugo Chara, La Corda D'Oro, Vampire Knight, Blue Exorcist, Akame Ga Kill, Kill La Kill, Hayate No Gotoku, and Black Butler. If you want, I can PM you more recommendations if I think of any if you're interested. I don't have a favorite one. And oh my gosh, yes, I would love a german teacher. Ody was my teacher, but he seems to be gone. So, if you're interested in being my German teacher, just PM me! I would love to learn from you! Japan, hands down. It's my dream vacation and if I could live there, I would (if only I could speak Japanese XD)
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