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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Hey guys, Is there a wild pokémon location list or something like that in Pokémon Full Moon. Like, you know, any ideas where we can get each pokémon?
  2. I'd like a new avatar, please with the background photo suggestion thing as well.
  3. Um, if I may make this suggestion.... I've seen many people on Showdown who can't speak English and because of a rule that says we can't speak other languages. I'm lucky that I could help in some way 'cause I'm multilingual but maybe it's time to reconsider the rule. I don't know. Just a thought.
  4. Thank you for the words of support guys! By all means, if you want to do this, please do. It would mean a lot to me and to other people as well!
  5. So, my friend had the idea of doing letters for hope for her civics project. I love her idea and I just really wanted to spread the word as it meant a lot to me. 350 million worldwide suffer from depression. Wouldn't it be nice to just write a letter to someone who suffers from that? Letters For Hope is basically you write an anonymous letter and the organization will send it randomly to that person. I am so happy to be able to help my friend as this is something that is close to my heart. Just someone receiving a letter of kindness saying that they're beautiful or just words of kindness is the greatest gift ever. I just wanted to spread the word, that's all. If you guys are interested in doing this, then here are the rules. 1) You cannot include any personal information in your letter 2) No strong language That's about it really. Just wanted to inspire people to do something! Thanks for taking the time to read this! If you guys got any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks guys, Cool Girl
  6. Really sorry for the wait. Here is Beatric's backsprite. Also, I modified Beatrice's eye. I made it white.
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