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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Yeah, it's been a while since I've been here I know lol. Let me get straight to the point: I was busy. Expect an epic comeback when I can 😁😁

    1. Wolfox


      Glad to see ya back

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Not officially though 😅 But I will be *wink* * wink*

    3. Wolfox
  2. Been a while lol, but I wanna wish Happy Birthday to everyone here! 🙂 

  3. Welp my classes got cancelled through Monday due to air pollution from the fires. Guess I got free time now lol

    1. Wolfox


      not a fun reason, but nice result

    2. Q-Jei


      Same here. I feel sorry for the conditions in which it happens, so I hope you’ll enjoy your free time nevertheless.

  4. And man, I really want to join a D&D campaign here...(I miss playing D&D here...)

  5. Been a while...been really busy...college app season + college...

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Oops double post sorry...

  6. Been a while...been really busy...college app season + college...

    1. Wolfox


      Welcome back CG 🙂

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Well idk if I'm back XD but I try my best and hardest to be here and all of that but thanks 🙂

  7. Due to circumstances, I will no longer be participating.
  8. Norma is annoyed at herself Great! I'm with these buffoons. Nonetheless she does her best to chime in with her team-mates.
  9. I don't know why but I always get this feeling that Melia is in love with the MC. So yeah, maybe it might go in that direction I don't know.
  10. Alright finally! Just in time! Here's everything. Sprite: Trainer Card: Grass Theme Team: Thanks!
  11. @Wolfox and @pyrromanis Ok, I will try and make the changes. Question: so you guys say I should go with the first team sample for redemption league? Or which one should I pick in your opinion? EDIT: Based on people's feedback, I have decided to go with the first team sample. Also, thank you for the help. I really appreciate it!
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