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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. GG Kam Man, so I'm that good now rip lol http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7redemptionsingles-78631
  2. Just one more question: is there a wild pokémon location list in episode 4 or something like that? Sorry to ask
  3. XD Happy Birthday Wendel! Just stop with memes k?
  4. So, this month is Black History Month. And in honor of that, I wanted to share a poem by Langston Hughes. Also, feel free to discuss about Black History Month or share a poem. Here goes.... I, Too By Langston Hughes I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," Then. Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed– I, too, am America. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this! It really means a lot to me and to a lot of people that we remember history and the people that have sadly passed away to make changes happen. But, really guys, thanks for reading. I really appreciate it.
  5. Hello and Welcome to Reborn! We hope you enjoy your stay! Reborn isn't the only game that's here, we also have Rejuvenation, Desolation, Spork....there are plenty of fan-games for you to check out! Also, hope we get to battle! Anyways, hope we get to know each other!
  6. Wow! Thanks for the hard work Caz! Finally, a female, male, and non-binary protagonist! I really look forward to playing this! Thanks Caz!
  7. Sorry if I'm saying this, but I'm so upset at what Trump did (muslim ban). It goes against everything that America stands for.

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      America is the land of opportunity and I've always stood by that, no matter what people say. We are all immigrants. My parents sacrificed so much to come to America so that my brother and I could have an opportunity at a better life. Yes, it was very rough at the beginning. I was bullied because I didn't know how to speak English and yes, I was bullied for other things. But, I worked hard to learn English in one year! And yes, right now, it's rough for me ad when you're depressed, it may feel like America isn't a great place, but regardless of how I feel or how my emotions feel or how my head is thinking, I will always standby that America is the land of opportunity, no matter what people say. And yes, I am a proud Muslim and I am no longer ashamed of hiding that fact. I AM A PROUD MUSLIM! And I dare challenge anyone who says that all Muslims are terrorists. There are bad people in every religion. There's good and bad in every kind of group. So don't you dare say that Muslims are terrorists!

      I'm sorry that I wrote this if you felt uncomfortable reading this, but I feel like when there's something I see that upsets me, I just feel like I had to respond.

      Thank you and have a good day,

      Cool Girl

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