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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Quick question: Since I've claimed, do you also want me to do a shiny for primal groudon?
  2. Hi, I'm claiming Groudon. Gonna start work on it about now or soon. Thank you, CG
  3. My favorite soda is Sprite. However, when I'm in a bar kind of environment, I like to order a Sheryl Temple. Also, whenever I'm in a tropical place, I love a good coconut drink! When I went to Hawaii, I had the coconut drinks over there! They're delicious! When you go to Hawaii, you should definitely try them! Tbh, it's not very enjoyable. The teacher is a nightmare and I find Calculus pretty complicated personally. There's even a chance that I could re-take it in college because the teacher just skipped like a whole bunch of chapters in Calculus, like she skipped through half the book pretty much! Even my friends and classmates are complaining about that, but yeah, that's how it's going. I like to do a lot of things in my free time. I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to that. It really depends. I'll write, create whatever comes up to my mind, play other kind of video games...I like to try new things and I like to do a lot of things. As of now, I'm probably gonna you, Reignited'Light, only due to the fact that I've beaten Kamina a few times, but I haven't beaten you yet. But yeah, that's a tough decision 'cause you're both good. I don't know a good recipe for Katsu. But, I know a martial team-mate of mine whose mom makes like literally not joking, but the best Katsu in the world! I also had it many times and it's delicious! I like Katsu!
  4. Don't ask me! I just thought of doing this to celebrate my 1,000th post! I don't have any favorite memes. I'm not a memes person. I like Shakespeare. Whenever I have to read a book for school, I think of it as an experience. Maybe that'll ease your experience with Shakespeare too if you think of it the way I thought of it. But honestly, when I had to read Shakespeare in school, I really liked it. Still do. I don't have a favorite Gen 7 mon, but right now, I'm really liking Incineroar and Mudsdale. I don't know a lot of jokes, but the one I like: "Q: Why did the alligator choose to be a detective? A: To be an investigator" I do play an instrument. I did sing, well, I had to. We had chorus class in our school so yeah I would say that I sang..or sing. I play recorder. Someday, I hope to learn more instruments. Who know, maybe I'll be able to sing too! I like martial arts and basketball. As of now, my favorite baseball team is The San Francisco Giants and my favorite hockey team is the San Jose Sharks. Can't think of a favorite football team, but I'll let you know if I do. Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken. Yeah, I don't see why not. I enjoy being here and definitely have some things that I'd want to showcase here in the future. Well, it's hard for me to rank things, but the characters that I really like are Julia, Titania, ZEL, the fire guy (I forgot his name lol), Shelly, Shade. I probably like all the characters really. I'm hoping to take on Redemption yes. I'm trying to make a team as soon as possible. I don't really have a favorite subject but if I had to choose one, I guess I would have to say English/Literature. Hmm...let's see, I've been to France, Tunisia, Chypre, Greece, California, New Orleans, Washington D.C, Boston, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Indiana, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Virginia and a lot more. I'll add more if I can think of any. My dream vacation is Japan and I might get that 'cause my dad said we might go Japan next time. I also know I'll be going on vacation with the school in the Month of May. Don't know where yet, but I can't wait!
  5. Hey guys, in honor of celebrating my 1,000th post, I am doing a AMA, so ask away!!!! http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24590-cool-girls-ama-thread/#comment-605546

    1. KingRyan


      why are you so cool? 

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      'Cause I just am

  6. I wanted to play Reborn one day, so I just typed randomly Reborn on Google and well, I just encountered the forums and though "Hmmm, this would be a great place to join why not?" Before Reborn, I was already part of a Yugioh community forum. But, as time went by, I loved being on the Reborn forum more, so I left the Yugioh forum or well more like, I just left without saying a word and now, I'm here. I love murder mystery novels. Anything that's murder mystery, I'm instantly hooked. That being said, I still think my favorite book as of now is "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. But, yeah, I also love reading murder mystery novels. I'm not sure what my favorite movie is right now. I think it's a tie between "The Avengers" and "Guardians Of The Galaxy". I don't think I really have a favorite movie at the moment but I love watching movies or more like, I enjoy watching them, so yeah. I don't really have a favorite kind of music. I love all kinds of music, except for country maybe. I don't know what bird you're talking about I believe there will be AMAs in the future. In fact, I might be planning on doing more AMAs.... Lol I didn't even think about doing that. I guess because I wanted the 1,000th post to be its own separate thing...
  7. What can I say? I'm so happy that I encountered Reborn. Reborn has totally changed the way we play pokémon. Most importantly, I am so glad that I met this community! Reborn has given me so many inspirations for me to do my own thing. You guys have helped me through incredibly tough times (well, I did post some stupid things while being depressed or having a hard time, in which I apologize for that, but thank you guys so much for your help ) Without Reborn, I wouldn't have made so many great friends and I am so happy that I did and now, I feel more confident in myself and I hope to be great help to you all and I'll definitely do what I can to help anyone in need. I will also continue to be a member in the future and hope to be of great help for the future of Reborn. Now, I want to take the time to say thank you to special members: And now, we celebrate with music. These are the songs I like, but feel free to put music here as well. Now, let's all celebrate! Please, feel free to put any good memories you have with me or anything at all! I also add more people if I think of any! I hope I've added all the people I need! Also, to celebrate my 1000th post, I've done a AMA thread, so please do ask away. I'll accept any questions: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24590-cool-girls-ama-thread/#comment-605532 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON!!!!!!!
  8. Well, to celebrate my 1,000th post, I am doing a AMA. I've been a member on Reborn for over a year and I feel privileged to be a part of this community. I want to thank everyone for being here and making me feel welcome! So, without further ado, ask away and ask anything you want (even personal questions)!!!!!
  9. Happy Martin Luther King Day! :) 

  10. GG DW http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7monotyperandombattle-77090
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