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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Hey Noir and sorry for the wait! Been busy! Yeah, I believe it's suppose to be a neutral stance depicting its good and bad
  2. So, this is a poem that I have to write for homework. The requirements are that I have to write a poem about a Russian landscape, so yeah. Also, this is for Russian Literature class. Your warm touch, your cold touch That is you, Russia. But, I find myself not knowing who you are Your perverse affection intrigues me A warm sun rises above your mountains. Snow falls above your mountains. The warmness and coldness touches my very soul, But yet, I suffer through darkness. I suffer through the coldness of my soul Flowers and leaves withering, trees falling Oh, the despair! For I am happy! I have now seen your true colors Mountains fall, but new life arises Cold feelings like the snow, warm feelings like the sun That is you, Russia. Let me know what you guys think! Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
  3. 99% Hype!!!!! Get ready!!!!!!

  4. Tbh, I did not really enjoy episode 8, but seeing Kyogre in the episode made it watchable for me
  5. Yay! New single and album out from one of my favorite bands!!!!!! :D
  6. A song I listen to when life gets hard ;~;
  7. Even though your life feels terrible, things do get better (currently trying to tell myself that ;~;)

    1. pbood2


      uh that doesn't sound good. Hope things get better for you soon :) Have a great night.

    2. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      You're gonna be alright. Tomorrow's a new day and it's a new start to make everything better!

  8. If you were to make another pokémon fan-game, what would it be about? And after your next project, would you be open to work on another pokémon fan-game?
  9. Hey ICSW, I gotta say, I just checked the screenshots and man, the sprites look even cooler! Any chance that you'll display the new protagonist sprites!!!
  10. "Well, seeing a non-hostile face is comforting in this city so I figured I'd say hi, see if you were ok, made any progress etc, etc." "Yeah, I'm fine. You do realize that us meeting here will make people look suspicious right?" Misara said
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