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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. As Misara wandered through the city she eventually ended up in an entrance for the part of it inside the mountain, a complex archway carved in the blueish white stone. There was a constant flux of workers coming in and out of the passage, and a sign on the wall indicated the Marblegate Magic Studies Meeting complex. Before she could enter though, Karol appeared from another street, apparently looking for someone. As Misara walked through the city, she thought: He has got to be the killer or at least a suspect for sure.Then, as Misara observes the entrance to Marblegate Magic Studies, she notices Karol: "What are you doing here?! Did you follow me?! Get out, now!!!!! Us meeting like this will look suspicious!!!"
  2. "There is no such thing as failure in life. You either succeed or you learn" - My Parents

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Eh, there's something to that, in a manner of speaking.

    3. Ironbound


      It is true, in some sense; there's no permanent failure in life. Because once a truly permanent failure happens, there is no longer any life. That should be borne in mind, since the attitude of failures being okay or excusable "in the long run" is not to be encouraged as one progresses in life. It engenders complacency, which is to be avoided.

      And on that note, it is a common misconception that success does not imply learning, and that one learns only from a fall. One l...

    4. Ironbound


      ...one learns from falls, yes, but one learns more from success, and it is an unforgiving attitude towards failing that breeds such desire to learn.

  3. 9/10 Well, so do I. I'm nitpicking you for having a white background XD
  4. I have a mac, but now I wish I had a windows laptop instead 'cause it's hard to play games on mac and I have to use wine. Also, I can't seem to use RPG Maker XP on my mac, so I have to use a virtual machine to do that. But, yeah it's a bit of pain, but overall, I think I have a good computer.
  5. Alright, so here are the results for now. These are the games I'll be playing in order: 1) Chrono Trigger 2) Hardcore Reborn 3) Dangaronpa: Ultra Despair Girls / League Of Legends I'll also be playing League Of Legends once in a while 'cause my friend is going to text me when she's ready to play League Of Legends and I guess that's when I'll be online. So, now I'm going to get rid of these three options. I'll also be adding two more, so please guys keep voting! (You can vote for more than one option. Alright, thanks guys)
  6. Really trying to stay calm about the whole Showdown hack. But, I'm really freaking out and I'm really scared ;~;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      If you want to be on the safe side, just make sure that your accounts that share usernames with your showdown account have different passwords. If you do that, this fool of a Took can't touch you. :)

    3. mde2001


      Remember, this guy only has your showdown stuff. He doesn't have any way to take your money, identify you personally, nor steal your identity. Showdown doesn't use your email, so your other things should be safe enough.

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Ok, I'm glad. Thanks! :D I guess I'll rest for now...

  7. Still need more votes guys. It's now between Chromo Trigger and Reborn Hardcore. Besides, more votes will help: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22332 Thanks guys! :D

  8. Yeah, I think that's the third game in the series. Dangaronpa: Ultra Despair Girls
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