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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I saw both episodes of Pokémon Generations. It's not bad, but it's not super awesome either. That being said, I'm still going to watch it 'cause it's pokémon and well everyone is watching it so yeah.
  2. I watched the Metal series and I definitely watched the old Beyblade series in the 80s. But other than that, I haven't watched the latest ones. I quite enjoyed the Metal series! Does anyone recommend that I watch the latest anime or are they bad?
  3. So, I'm just wondering what game I should play next, since I'm not sure. So, I thought I should make a thread and I would like to get everyone's input. Here are the next games I was thinking of doing: - Monotype Reborn run or some kind of challenge run of Reborn (I'll wait for E16 to come out so I can restart a normal Reborn run and continue with the story) If you guys say I should play this next, then I'll update the poll. What you can expect if I do a challenge run: - Written walkthrough (I will post it on the Reborn forums) - Possible custom sprite (overworld, vs.....) - After re-playing/doing challenge run of Reborn, I'm planning on restarting Rejuvenation - Hardcore Reborn (I'm not very good with hard level games, but I definitely like a good challenge so I guess I'll try this! ) - Third Dangaronpa game? (I'm not sure about this. I played the first two games, but I think I heard there's a third game to play. If that's the case, I'll definitely play it since I really like the Dangaronpa game! ) - Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Pretty simple game really. It's the second game in the Golden Sun series) - Chrono Trigger (recommended by Mr. Mojo Roo) (I heard it's a Super Nintendo and well it's easier for me to have the controller when I'm playing a game, so not sure if I'm actually going to play it, but I'll try a little bit I guess) - League Of Legends (pretty sure I'll play this once in a while since I have a lot of friends at school who play League Of Legends. Heck, if I do play League Of Legends, I'll probably even multitask with another game.) - Final Fantasy (some people have been telling me to start with Final Fantasy 4, but I'm definitely open to more suggestions) These are the options. Definitely let me know what you guys think! (Also, you can vote for more than one option) (Yeah, whenever I'm not sure what game to play next, I'll definitely post here! ) Well, that's it for me. Thanks guys!
  4. So, I know I talked about this in the discussion thread, but I have gotten a chance to hear everybody opinions. So, simple question: will you restart your Reborn run when E16 comes out?
  5. Yes, I plan to have Misara walk around the city more. Sorry for the wait on the response.
  6. Yes, I already know that labor day is over, but I'm just curious. Who goes somewhere on Labor Day Weekend?
  7. Well, going to a friend's beach party today. I'm hoping that I do well socially :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aurorix


      If life was an anime this would be the fan service episode. :P

    3. Notus


      Just be cool, girl. *black glasses on*

    4. AeroWraith


      Haaave fuuun ^^

  8. Hey guys, Quick question: So, I heard the player character sprites were going to get updated. So, my question is, once E16 is out, how many of you guys are going to restart your Reborn run?
  9. "Why does the little kid even need a bodyguard? Surely her parents or something are more than enough." "She´s an orphan." Haze answered lowering his gaze. " I´m sure having someone to guard her in a foreign city isn´t that uncommon. But I do understand your concern, and apreciate it." Haze then kneeled and looked straight at Kana. "Little miss, don´t you think this is enough playing already? You´re causing trouble to the ladies and gentleman here." "Humn!" Kana at first stomped the floor with her little right foot and looked away, in a stubborn gesture. But, after a few moments of Haze´s clear gaze, she lowered her head and faced the floor, as if ashamed. "...Sorry Misses and Mister..." She said, walking by herself to Haze´s side. He patted her head and smiled when she arrived, which was responded by her showing him her tongue. Then she faced Misara´s group again and smiled too. "It was fun though! You guys are so strong!" The guards watched all this bewildered - in fact, the short one was facepalming - and the one who seemed to be in command snapped. "What? No way, after all this confusion you foreigners are all coming to the station. Drop your weapons and come now!" "That won´t be necessary, officer." Haze said, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and showing the guard. He looked surprised, and cast a spell to check the thing´s autenticity. Although he didn´t like it, it seemed he was convinced. "All right, all right. Just don´t get in any more trouble for God´s sake." He gestured to his subordinate to follow him and walked away. "Well, good. Which hotel are you all staying at? We´re at Central Hotel." Haze asked. It's still quite suspicious. A missing girl and her butler just shows up. Misara thought. I better watch out. "Well then, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going" Misara said to her allies as she walked out
  10. One of my volleyball team-mates passed away from a horse back riding accident while on vacation in Italy ;~; LIFE IS SO UNFAIR!!!!!!

    1. AeroWraith


      Damn...sorry to hear that : (

  11. The thug didn´t expect a reaction that fast. Because of Bargus´ flames, his teammates couldn´t use the window created by Karol aiming at him; the angel officers were just preparing their spells yet and to boot, there was a sword coming at blinding speed towards his arm. Just then, they heard the sound of metal crashing into metal as something deflected both the bullet and the sword. The thug fell to the floor, rolling sideways out of the danger line as Misara took the girl, and looked around confused. The white haired man had arrived, holding in his hands two pitch black pistols. The air tensed for a moment while he stared with icy blue eyes at each of the fighters, but then he just put them back in their holsters, smiled and raised his hands. "Ok, ok, why don´t we calm down a bit? By the way you´re acting, it seems to me you´re actually just trying to protect the kids from the bad guys, right?" He asked Misara´s group. "So, what if we are?" said Misara to the white guy. "Who are you anyway?" Could he be the killer? As Misara thought that, she felt her heart beating fast. She had so many questions for the guy, but retained herself and kept calm.
  12. So, sadly I have to drop out of the league. I'm really busy with school. I hope to join in the league in the future however! So, I guess Lits win since I have to drop out! Thank you guys so much for the opportunity!
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