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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Well, first day of school tomorrow. Wish me luck! :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lugruf


      Luck is just a depiction of statistics and it can't be inherently good or bad

    3. Jacobliterator


      Good luck friend!

    4. Hycrox


      Good riddances friend!

  2. "This is your last warning. Back off and I'll forget about all of this" Now with three versus three, the thugs had to stop and think again about using force. Specially looking at Bargus´ flaming axe. The two angel officers, who had already arrived, also looked shocked seeing Karol draw her rifle without any exitation. Than everyone started talking at the same time. "What? Ok, you are all going to the station right now! Everyone drop your weapons!" "As if! Can´t you winged dolts see there´s a kidnapping going on here? Get the girl with the sword!" "And how do we know who are the kidnappers? You three drop your knives immediately!" In the confusion, one of the thugs lunged forward to try and grab the girl. As Misara sees one of the thugs lunges towards the girl, she grabs her sword and slashes his arm. "Hide here" said Misara while pointing towards a barrel. "Karol, Bargus, what are you two doing here? Oh well, I guess that doesn't matter for now. Now, I believe these men know something about our "little someone". Care to help me make them talk?" said Misara to her teammates.
  3. So, with summer over and going back to school and all of that, let's talk about how our summer vacation was! So, I'll start: So, my summer was great! I was traveling all over the place for martial art competitions, so like I was in Oregon, Texas, Nevada, California......Then, I went camping just now. While I was in Oregon for one of my martial arts competitions, I took the chance to try out fishing! No luck Didn't catch anything. I also went to Washington D.C for politics, you know to actually get involved in politics, that is where I found my love to be a motivational speaker/politician when I grow up! Then, I just went camping with family and friends. Came back with mosquito bites all over my legs XD So, I had two tragedies this summer: 1) My art teacher that I had from 1st-8th grade passed away from cancer 2) A classmate of mine committed suicide So yeah guys, if I'm a bit down sometimes, don't worry about it, it's not because of you guys. It's because it's been a bit rough for me. But anyways, enough about my summer, let's hear about your summer! Fly away!
  4. Thank you guys so much for the great advice! I really appreciate it! I know for a fact I'll be going to community college for two years undecided and will then transfer to a university to do my studies for four years. So, there has been a huge tragedy before our school year start. One of my classmates....commited suicide. It's been hard on me for a while and I know it's hard on my classmates as well. So the kind of advice I'm looking for is how can I help my classmates get through this? I'm also really worried about one of my classmates. She's being really mean towards everybody, basically saying that she doesn't give a s*** anymore and we don't know what it's like to be there and all of that stuff. I tried to talk to her myself and told her that I was there before, but she was mean to me too. Basically, she's disrespecting everybody, including the teachers. Not only that, but I also thought I heard her talk about killing herself, which has me really worried. I lost one friend, I don't want to lose another ;~; I understand why she's acting like this, 'cause the guy in my class that committed suicide was her close friend. But yeah guys, just want to know some advice and all of that. Thanks, Cool Girl
  5. Happy Birthday Jan! Thank you for bringing us Rejuvenation!
  6. "We can´t let you have her." The first thug said. By then, the second and third men had arrived and tryed circling Misara to get to the girl. The first one put his hand on his dagger´s hilt and stood at ready. The people around them realized there was a fight about to start and began running away. Some were shouting for the city guard, and no one seemed to want to intervene. "This is your last warning. Back off and I'll forget about all of this" said Misara to the thugs. This is getting serious. I better be ready for anything, Misara thought.
  7. Gonna go camping for three days starting today with my friends and family. What could possibly go wrong I wonder? (I don't really get along with my dad and well for some reason, every situation I'm in, I always assume the worst, so yeah)

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    2. Red_Chaos



    3. Jmanultrax1


      also make a border for where you sleep :)

    4. AuthorReborn


      don't be eaten by bears or anything like that. stay safe out there I hope it turns out well.

  8. So, I'll be a senior in high school and considering how it's going to be my last year in high school, I wanted some advice. I mean, I heard the stereotype about how seniors are bullies to freshmen but yeah, I guess I would just like any advice about senior year of high school. It can be anything! Heck, you can even tell your senior year experience here! Thanks guys, Cool Girl
  9. Just letting you guys know, but I'm a bit busy with school 'cause I'm almost back to school, so I might not be very active. Right now, I'll be gone for three days with family and my friends camping.
  10. The men approached Misara and the girl fast, but slowed down when they saw Misara´s fighting stance. The first to arrive was one of the underlings, who looked at the sheated sword and gave Misara a serious look. "Hey miss, hand over the girl and there will be no need for a fight here. You don´t want to stand in our way, I assure you." In response, the girl hugged her leg tightly. "No please, don´t let them take me! They make me do things I don´t want to!" "Sorry, but I won't let you have this girl!" said Misara. As she said that, she started to remember about her village, about how she saw a girl in the village that looked like the same girl that's holding her leg. "Alright, look, just let go of my leg. I promise, I won't let them have you." said Misara to the little girl. She then looked back at the three guys and as she was remembering about her village and the little girl she saw, her demon eyes formed.
  11. "Eh..?" the girl looked confused, but after a moment she seemed to remember something. "We- well, there´s this weird old man following me. He looks like..." Then all of a sudden, a man turned around running on the other corner, three others behind him. He was dressed elegantly, wore glasses and was probably on his early thirties, white hair covering his head, but with a lean build and dominating presence. Seeing the two girls, he pointed towards them and gave an order to the other three, who started running their way. The girl, seeing that, screamed and hid behind Misara. "It´s them, it´s them! Please miss, protect me from the bad guys!" As Misara grabs her sword and gets ready to fight the guys, she starts thinking: What could they possibly want from her? Or are they after me 'cause I have been find out by the killer? Either way, I should get her to safety. But, if they knew I was here, then this is not good. I know I said I was going to do this on my own, but I should at least let Jorgen take care of her and maybe inform him on the situation.
  12. Happy Birthday Cyanna! You're an awesome friend and colleague!
  13. "Watch where I'm going miss!" Misara thought to herself angrily. Misara was then ready to duel her, but decided that she was only a child and that she should ignore it. She then looks at the girl and asks: "Have you seen anyone suspicious? Like, you heard about the incidents that have been happening, right?"
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