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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Ok, guys. Sorry if I wasn't here for role-playing. I was on a school trip for three days. I'm back now though. What did I miss?
  2. Well, I'll be gone for three days starting tomorrow for a school trip. Wish me luck on back to school, guys!

    1. Jmanultrax1


      good luck! have fun :D (not too much lol)

    2. YinYang9705
    3. AeroWraith


      good luck, have a good trip ^.^

  3. Wow, these drawings are amazing! Hope to see more from you!
  4. Oh, so we have to duel again? OH MY GOSH, I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAID WHAT I SAID!!!!! XD (I'm so embarrassed right now XD) EDIT: Nevermind, I lost XD
  5. Ok, so I won my match against Roxas. GG Roxas
  6. I like the suggestion Cyanna. Thank you!
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