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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. About me, well, I'm still in school. I'm currently on my senior year in high school and will be going to community college for two years and then transferring to a university to continue my studies there. I also do not have a part-time job or any of that. I'm not sure what I want to do for a living, but in the future, I can see myself being a politician, writing books, traveling, and doing live streams and having my own channel. I hope this is an answer for you.
  2. Misara arrives to Marblegate City. She takes the time to look around her. She wanted to admire the view, but could not because she acts very seriously on missions and already has her serious look. She, of course, goes with the others during the long-course journey, but when she sees that she's about to arrive to Marblegate city, before entering it, she waits out a bit and tells them: "Well, we'll have to find a bolthole first so we can rendezvous and share information throughout the week" "Sorry, but that'll make the killer more suspicious if we rendezvous. If you guys want to do that, go ahead. I'll be doing this on my own. Well, I'll be going ahead now, gathering information and killing the killer." And with that, Misara leaves and goes into Marblegate on her own.
  3. Oh right, for story purposes or if Notus ever wants to add something to the story or you know throw in a weakness to my character or something like that, I'll give you the demon's name that Misara had to kill in her past. The demon's name is revealed to be Lucifer, so yeah. Just thought I should say that.
  4. "Well, obviously, going to the city together, the killer is going to get suspicious, so I suggest we split up and investigate ourselves. If anyone sees the killer targeting anybody, you act. I'll be doing this on my own, unless one of you guys wants to tag along for the mission." said Misara to her allies. And just like that, Misara gets ready to leave, but realizes that she has to wait until she is guided to the city. Let's hope we can find this killer. If we show up at the same place and go together in the city, I believe the killer will be suspicious, but I'm sure Vermilio is smart enough to know that, Misara thought to herself.
  5. "Understood, sir." Misara said to Vermilio "I'll do what I do best: fighting. The spying, infiltrating, if you want me in on that, I'll do it, as long as I get to fight, that is." Misara said to the others
  6. "I'm in. Now allow me to ask a question to you: Shall we use whatever means necessary to get rid of them?" she asked Vermilio Misara was getting excited, but does not show that to the others. After asking her question, Misara sits back down, waiting for an answer. A demon, huh? I wonder who that is. No matter, I hate demons anyways, but I have no choice. I have to work with them....for now. However, I could not say that aloud, I am a half-demon after all. That is my destiny now, to fight to the end.
  7. Everyone is looking at "Bom" as if she's the threat. Sooner or later, they're going to learn that I'm a threat. I may act like a brat and be arrogant and act cool, but on the battlefield, they shall learn that it's a completely different story! Misara thought "So, I see you enjoy the thrill of the battlefield as well. Just don't get in my way." she said to Bargus smiling while spinning her demon sword around and then putting it back
  8. Misara was also waiting patiently at her seat while she was listening to more introductions. "Bom" certainly isn't interested in any of us. I'm sure that any of us could beat her, but especially me. I am the one who can beat everybody here right now. I'm sure she's underestimating me, but not only me. I think she is also underestimating the rest of us. That shall be her downfall, she thought while giving a nasty glare to "Bom".
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