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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I'm curious if Vermilio has read our sheets on why we joined the alliance and I'm probably guessing that's why he talked to us. Just guessing.
  2. Miser feels crushed by Jorgen's hug. "Uhhh, you're crushing me!" Misara almost felt intimidated and agitated as Vermilio approached her, but felt comforted and warm as he put both hands on her shoulders. She accepts what he has to say and tries her best to get close to her ally. "Yeah, Jorgen, I guess I'll have a drink with you. Not oil though."
  3. Ok, my apologies, I'll delete what I said then. If a mod could delete what I posted, that would be great.
  4. Yeah, I know that. I'm just saying that to your character 'cause I had a gut feeling your character said that.
  5. Misara stood there, with a pale look on her face, eyes wide, as if she had PTSD. However, she tries her best to keep her cool. She uncrossed her legs from the table and tried her best to introduce herself. "I'm Misara, a half-demon assassin. I'm experience in all sorts of combat. I have joined the alliance seeking answers in my life. Nice to meet you all. And for the record, we're just allies. Nothing more, nothing less." Misara sits back down. She does not think about the people that had just introduced themselves. She then decides to wait until everyone has arrived.
  6. Qwll, I'm doing a little better, but not a whole lot........

    1. Cobalt996


      Qwll? Well, better is better, at the very least.

  7. Alright, re-submitting my form! Also, I'm a little sick right now (I have stomach flu) so I'll try my best. Just letting you know. Name: Misara Vorera (this is her full name, you can just call her Misara) Race: Cambion (Half-Demon) Class: Warrior Primary Weapon: Demon Sword. The Demon Sword can also act according to her heart and emotions. For example, if she accidentally stabs someone she doesn't want to, the Demon Sword will not stab to the point of death Backup Weapon: She has small daggers/knives that she can use as projectiles or in melee combat Personality Overview: She is extremely cold-hearted to anybody, especially humans. However, for some reason, she starts to want to learn about humans, but she still acts cold toward them telling them that she doesn't really care whether they follow her or not, whether they like her or not. She will show no mercy to her opponents and will not hesitate to kill if necessary. She also acts calm even though the opponent looks very strong and even though she knows she'll lose, she still acts calm. During her spare time, she likes to train and hone her skills. Yes, that includes hunting for food, if she's asked to do it. However, once she joins the alliance, she slowly and little by little starts to interact with her allies and hanging out with them, whether it's an individual person or just all of them. She also loves to fight, so if she likes someone or makes a friend, she may ask for a sparing match. Skill Overview: She has combat experience where she can fight with her demon sword and she can aim small knives/daggers at you. She even has close combat and hand to hand combat experience. However, she does have weaknesses. Her first weakness is that if she is stabbed by someone she loves, which can be a human or if she is stabbed by another demon or an angel, she cannot heal and could die. Her second weakness is that if a loved one dies at the hands of her enemy, she will go insane. She will pretty much lose her sanity and turn into a full-demon. Pretty much a monster who goes on a rampage and is out of control, which means she could kill her allies. Her third weakness is that if she sees someone that looks familiar to her (like the half-demon that she thought), she will panic and will be unable to move. Pretty much PTSD. Backstory: It is said that once a year, a demon comes into Misara’s town and takes one woman in exchange for the village’s safety. The women that left with the demon never came back, presumably taken away to be concubines or toys for his liking. Misara’s village lived in fear of the demon, and when she turned 16, Misara, an orphan whose background was shrouded in mystery, was chosen to go as the next sacrifice. Everything she had was to be lost, her freedom, her happiness, destined to live a life where she is illicitly bound, to be at the mercy of a monster. She was not going to take it anymore. Out of selfishness and fear, she concocted a plan to end her life, ignorant of the consequences of her actions. In a fit of rage, the loathed demon wreaked havoc upon her village, burning it to ashes and killing everyone in it. Misara couldn’t run forever, though; eventually, the monster caught up to her, ready to take her as his own. Reacting to the demon’s rage, an unknown power awakened in the desperate moment that gave Misara the strength she had never imagined. Bestowed with the sudden gift of demonic lineage, she sparred against the demon that had terrorized her home and with the evil demon’s own sword, sliced him in two, and avenging her homeland. To this day, she keeps the demon’s sword as her trophy and keepsake, as a reminder of her achievement and who she now really was. Misara’s father was a demon and her mother was human. However, when they gave birth to her, they discovered that she was only human. Her father said that it's possible that her demon powers have not awakened yet. We do not know what happened to her mother. However, it is rumored that her father was killed by someone. But, we do know that they abandoned her to the village that she was at. The information on her foster parents are unknown. It's also revealed that when she transformed, she may have been struck with amnesia meaning that she does not remember some things about her past or herself. After the half-demon's defeat, she learns that her village has been burned down. She no longer had a home. She then goes on a journey in hopes of finding her place in the world, having lost everything – and longs for acceptance, and, if denied that – domination. She eventually comes across the alliance and learn about the war and why the alliance is formed. She then decides to join the alliance as she believes it may help her find the answers that she's looking for.
  8. Happy Birthday! Kaito! You were a great leader for the Ravenholts!
  9. Did you guys know that Gatorade is good for you? If you guys still don't know why, please let me know and I'll tell you why :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 5hift


      Don't drink too much of it.

      That stuff is loaded with sodium.

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Well, I have stomach flu right now and the doctor told me to drink Gatorade 'cause it helps.

    4. Commander


      It's fine in small doses but my dad became diabetic because he drank so much of it.

  10. So I heard Suicide Squad got negative reviews. Damn, what happened? Batman v Superman and now Suicide Squad. Is DC losing its cool or what?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 5hift


      Well The Dark Knight worked out pretty well for DC.

      But that's just Christopher Nolan doing being Christopher Nolan.

    3. Bluewolf


      People don't understand how movies work. You want extensive character development? You'd need AT LEAST 2 movies for the entire cast of Suicide Squad. No one understand that you can't have character development, a bunch of action AND fanservice all in one 2 hour movie.

    4. Shamitako


      Well yeah, The Dark Knight Trilogy was good

      Also yes, you can't develop everyone, this is very true

      The bigger the cast the more you have to pick and choose. Everyone seems to want every character to get a full story arc in everything

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