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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Happy Birthday Ody! You're a great friend with a great sense of humor. You're also a great teacher who teaches me German and for that I thank you. So..... Happy Birthday Ody! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Ody!
  2. Tags: Action, Comedy, Supernatural (Credits go to MyAnimeList for plot) Plot: Death City is home to the famous Shibusen, a technical academy headed by the Shinigami–Lord Death himself. Its mission: to raise "Death Scythes" for the Shinigami to wield against the many evils of their fantastical world. These Death Scythes, however, are not made from physical weapons; rather, they are born from human hybrids who have the ability to transform their bodies into Demon Weapons, and only after they have consumed the souls of 99 evil beings and one witch's soul. Soul Eater Evans, a Demon Scythe who only seems to care about what's cool, aims to become a Death Scythe with the help of his straight-laced wielder, or meister, Maka Albarn. The contrasting duo work and study alongside the hot headed Black☆Star and his caring weapon Tsubaki, as well as the Shinigami's own son, Death the Kid, an obsessive-compulsive dual wielder of twin pistols Patty and Liz. Soul Eater follows these students of Shibusen as they take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats while working together under the snickering sun to become sounder in mind, body, and soul. My thoughts: This is one of my favorite anime. I definitely recommend this anime to anyone who loves supernatural stuff. It has 51 episodes total, two seasons I believe. Feel free to discuss the anime in spoilers so we don't get spoiled That's all! Tune in to my next anime recommendation! Until next time...
  3. Hey guys, how do you play the Dangaronpa rhythm game on the laptop. I'm having a really hard time on that part

    1. Felicity


      iirc it was a case of tap one or twwo keys in time with the beat, right? Just find the right key and figure out the beat

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I figured it out!!!!!! Yaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!

  4. I guess not being depressed and being more confident in myself On Showdown, are you more of a team builder or a competitive battler?
  5. I get the feeling. A lot of people think I'm 12 when I'm actually 17 XD and that's because I'm only 5 ft 1, so I absolutely get the feeling of people thinking I'm younger and I can understand people who have been through that. Hopefully, when I grow up, I'll gain a few inches and look more like a woman.
  6. Happy Birthday Dobby! Happy Birthday Simon! I definitely hope to get to know you guys more!
  7. Battle against Light and I was soooooooo close. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-67143
  8. How do you do your live stream? By that, I mean how do you get the comments to show up on the screen and your face cam and all of that. Also, what advice would you give to someone who wants to do live streams?
  9. Man, playing Dangaronpa. Everything seems good and then......boom! Damn, it's starting to get really dark

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pbood2


      Hope you enjoy it because it's an amazing game and watching link play it fully was awesome. :) Luckily you didn't watch those streams so you aren't spoiled ;)

    3. pbood2


      which one are you playing btw?

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I'm playing the first Dangaronpa game: Dangaronpa Trigger Happy Havoc

  10. I agree. PokéNations is an amazing event that helped me improve my team-building and competitive battling skills. I certainly do hope to be able to participate in nations next year. I also got to meet lots of new people and make new friends. I mean, yeah I only won once during my time in nations, but I guess that's normal when it's your very first time participating in nations. So, without further ado, I would like to give credits to the following people: Ravenholts - You guys have been great. I definitely got to know you guys more and you all always had my back when I needed help. Kaito, you were an awesome leader even though your battling skills are so-so (nah, I'm joking. You're cool, we're cool) Jericho - Thank you so much for organizing this event. I know it was stressful, but I'm so glad you were able to pull through with it. You're also a great friend who always has my back during stressful times and for that, I'm very grateful and I hope we get to stay friends for a long time! NovaKnight - You're a great teacher! You're the one who taught me about competitive battling and I hope you'll continue to teach me as I know that I still have a lot to learn. You were also a great opponent during the last week of nation. You're also a great friend and I'm happy that you're my friend and mentor! YagamiNoir/Jhin Of The Opera - You're also a great teacher! You taught me about predicting moves in competition battling. You're also a great friend and we work on many things together, in which I cannot wait to show you guys once I'm done with it and I hope we get to work on a lot of other things together. DW - What can I say? You're my boyfriend and you've always been there for me. You're always there to cheer me on. I hope we get to live happily ever after. SonOfRed - You encouraged me to join PokéNation and for that, I'm very grateful. I also want to thank the committee who worked really hard for making this event really fun and a amazing experience. Love you all! *Cool Girl hugs everyone tightly*
  11. So, even though I lost and I usually post movesets here whenever I win, which was like only once I won XD, I still wanted to post these 'cause it's the last week of nations and well, one of these pokémons managed to get rid of two threats on my opponent's team, so here they are. The Hall Of Fame for week 10. Crawdaunt @ Dread Plate Ability: Adaptability EVs: 76 HP / 252 Atk / 180 Spe Adamant Nature - Aqua Jet - Knock Off - Swords Dance - Crabhammer This pokémon literally saved some of my team members. It managed to kill two of my opponent's pokémon! It also managed to KO Skarmory hard. All I did was Swords Dance + Knock Off + Dread Plate and it killed it! Dragalge @ Choice Specs Ability: Poison Point EVs: 248 HP / 108 SpA / 152 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe - Draco Meteor - Hidden Power [Fire] - Scald - Focus Blast So, I took a risk and put Dragalge on this knowing that the pokémon I was going to go against had ground type moves, but I still took the risk. So, something that I never thought of putting on Dragalge was Hidden Power [Fire]. I put that there so it can KO Scizor, but it wasn't there so I didn't get the chance to use it. I posted Dragalge here 'cause it had a creative move and well, this is a thread where you post creative moves you made, so yeah. But, Choice Specs + Draco Meteor has made a deadly combo as it has been able to KO one of my opponent's pokémon. Houndoom-Mega @ Houndoominite Ability: Solar Power EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature IVs: 1 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD - Dark Pulse - Taunt - Fire Blast - Hidden Power [Ground] Finally, this is my mega in the team. Notice that a move that I put that I believe is creative is Hidden Power [Ground]. Now, I don't put that on a Houndoom. I usually put Sludge Bomb in there, but I wanted to find something to counter fire types, so I came up with putting Hidden Power [Ground]. I posted Houndoom here 'cause it had a creative move and well, this is a thread where you post creative moves you made, so yeah. I never got the chance to use it sadly 'cause I fought a Heatran that was equipped with a Air Baloon.
  12. Um, I can fight now. I don't know why I'm not in the brackets for round 2. Could someone explain to me why that is the case.
  13. Nope. Gonna take a wild guess and say.... YagamiNoir?
  14. So, this is my very first time role-playing, so here goes. Please let me know if I did anything wrong. Name: Misara Vorera (this is her full name, you can just call her Misara) Race: Cambion (Half-Demon) Class: Warrior Primary Weapon: Demon Sword. The Demon Sword can also act according to her heart and emotions. For example, if she accidentally stabs someone she doesn't want to, the Demon Sword will not stab to the point of death Backup Weapon: She has small daggers/knives that she can use as projectiles or in melee combat Personality Overview: She is extremely cold-hearted to anybody, especially humans. However, for some reason, she starts to want to learn about humans, but she still acts cold toward them telling them that she doesn't really care whether they follow her or not, whether they like her or not. She will show no mercy to her opponents and will not hesitate to kill if necessary. She also acts calm even though the opponent looks very strong and even though she knows she'll lose, she still acts calm. During her spare time, she likes to train and hone her skills. Yes, that includes hunting for food, if she's asked to do it. However, once she joins the alliance, she slowly and little by little starts to interact with her allies and hanging out with them, whether it's an individual person or just all of them. She also loves to fight, so if she likes someone or makes a friend, she may ask for a sparing match. Skill Overview: She has combat experience where she can fight with her demon sword and she can aim small knives/daggers at you. She even has close combat and hand to hand combat experience. However, she does have weaknesses. Her first weakness is that if she is stabbed by someone she loves, which can be a human or if she is stabbed by another demon or an angel, she cannot heal and could die. Her second weakness is that if a loved one dies at the hands of her enemy, she will go insane. She will pretty much lose her sanity and turn into a full-demon. Pretty much a monster who goes on a rampage and is out of control, which means she could kill her allies. Her third weakness is that if she sees someone that looks familiar to her (like the half-demon that she thought), she will panic and will be unable to move. Pretty much PTSD. Backstory: Misara was living a normal life. Going to school, hanging out with friends......A demon comes to her town. It is said that once a year, a demon comes into her town and takes one woman in exchange that the village will be safe. The woman that come with the demon never come back. It is also said that the chosen woman are to be concubines or his fiancée. This year, she is chosen to go with the demon. Everything she had is gone, including her happiness. She now has to live a life where she is married to a monster. She was not going to take it anymore. She has now decided to end her life. The demon then finds out what she is up to and fights her. Unknown to her, he also burns her village and kills everyone. She now has to fight until she is pushed out of a window and falls from a two-story building. She knew and thought she was dead, but only wakes up in the darkness of the Underworld. She learns from a voice that she has been chosen to rule the Underworld. At last, she transforms into a demon, more like a half-demon since she still has her human form for now. She is also being given a demon sword in the Underworld The only thing that changes are the fact that she has demon eyes and arms. After that, she goes back to the human world and gets revenge on the demon. Now, she does not know this herself, which is why she goes on a journey in hopes of finding answers about herself while also killing her enemies in dreams of ruling the entire world. This information is unknown to her, but since you wanted a backstory, I guess I should go more into details: her father was a demon and her mother was human. It is also revealed that her father was a higher ranked demon in the Underworld, however, she does not know that. However, when they gave birth to her, they discovered that she was only human. Her father said that it's possible that her demon powers have not awakened yet. We do not know what happened to her mother. However, it is rumored that her father was killed by someone. But, we do know that they abandoned her to the village that she was at. The information on her foster parents are unknown. It's also revealed that when she transformed, she may have been struck with amnesia meaning that she does not remember some things about her past or herself. After the half-demon's defeat, she learns that her village has been burned down. She then goes on a journey in hopes of finding who she is and with the goal of ruling the entire world. She eventually comes across the alliance and learn about the war and why the alliance is formed. She then decides to join the alliance as she believes it may help her find the answers that she's looking for. So, I'm gonna tweak/polish the storyline a bit when I can, but for now, this is what I got and I hope I can join.
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