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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I don't know guys. But I do think it's a great idea to have our own server on Showdown, but I don't have a discord server, so I think I'm going to say no to that idea.
  2. Ok, now watching One Punch Man. I'm also watching Naruto, but I skip the filler episodes.
  3. Why? ;~; I'm going to miss you! ;~; I hope you come back someday! ;~; *Cool Girl hugs Ody tightly*
  4. 1) What are your hobbies? 2) What's your favorite food? 3) What do you like about this community?
  5. Alright, count me in! I love a challenge! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The day my son was born, I knew he would die. The doctors said he only had about 8 years to live. He looks down at the glass window as I'm making dinner. He knows he'll die soon. Then, he saw her. The light of this life! The one who brought him hope. I believe at that time he was six years old. Now, I saw him smiling for the first time. I saw hope in his eyes. I rush to the hospital and there I see my son smiling as he lays on her lap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 96 words At first, I thought this was a piece of cake 'cause I write a lot. But even for a writer like me, this is not easy and it definitely was a good challenge.
  6. So, let's talk about discipline. First, I'll express my thoughts on the video in spoilers and then, I would like to open this for discussion as I believe it is important to discuss these things even though we are not parents. But, first please watch this video before discussing. My thoughts on the video Me personally, I don't like to have stuff confiscated. I believe the best way of parenting is to have a heart to heart with your child. Now granted, she was a teenager and she knew what exactly she was doing and she knew that it was wrong, but she did anyways, which is why I believe the father did the right thing. Why I don't believe in taking away stuff. Well, 'cause the kid probably doesn't know what he did wrong and therefore that would be a futile effort to take away their stuff. Also, I've learned from personal experience that if you take away stuff from kids, they are going to rebel and will do anything to take it back. I've been there and as a little girl, I tried to take back my stuff many times and there are times where I have succeeded. So, you may have heard, the teenage daughter has parents who are divorced. And I understand that life is harder with divorced parents. My parents aren't divorced, but I understand the feeling since almost everyone in my class have divorced parents or parents that just left them. For me, it's always sad when I hear a kid not having a good relationship with a parent for whatever reason or something like that. But, in the video, I'm just appalled when a kid would be like to her dad "I don't want to ever see you!" or something like that. My dad and I don't get along because we have different opinions and my dad is a realist and is a very stubborn man and me personally, I'm not very much of a realist and I hate stubbornness, but I would never want my dad out of my life, even though things are really dire. I'm proud that my dad and I are making progress and I believe that's how it should be with every parent and their kid. But yeah, enough about my thoughts. This is a serious topic I would like to open for discussion. Please, let's hear your thoughts!
  7. Oh gosh! I love that they're doing trials instead of regular gyms. So happy about that!
  8. Pokémon Sun and Moon is looking really awesome so far! The only thing I'm wondering is, how can we obtain the Alola Forms pokémon? When are we allowed to do the dance pose in the game?
  9. Oh ok, in that case I better download DevPro
  10. I haven't battled in a really long time, but now that I'm resuming competitive battling, I think I'm getting the hang of it. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-65484
  11. This is great! Quick question: Do we have to fight every week 'cause I know I might not be able to fight every week 'cause I'm busy like this week and next week I can't fight 'cause I'm busy.
  12. How would you like to be more involved in the community?
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