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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Sure, I'll give it a shot! I never did role-playing before, but I would like to try it out.
  2. Dear Ame, Thank you so much for making this game and for making a wonderful, safe, and amazing community! You are an inspiration not only to me, but to all of us. Happy Birthday! Sincerely, Everyone
  3. Fire type hands down. I would choose Blaziken. Worst food you've ever eaten?
  4. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=8268884
  5. XD You do, actually. I think you know more about it! And I read the manga! XD
  6. Thanks for telling me! I really appreciate it!
  7. I'm really sorry to hear what happened. I'm shocked to hear that you can't live with your mother. I'm in somewhat a same situation. I don't get along with my dad and almost everyday, I fear that the arguments between my dad and I will cause me to get kicked out of the house. So, I understand what you're going through. If I may, what's going on with your mom? If you're not comfortable answering, then that's fine. I really hope things get better for you. If you want to talk, definitely send a PM 'cause I absolutely understand what you're going through 'cause I'm there.
  8. Hey Flash, I'll be away for a week I believe. I was suppose to have a flight today, but my flight got delayed for four days so yeah I'll be gone for a week, but after that, I should be available. Just letting you know! - Cool Girl
  9. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=8268712
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