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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. There's a V8 bug thread for it, I believe. How about posting them there?
  2. Now allow me to give you a French recipe since right now I'm in Normandy, France. Quiche Lorraine Ingredients - Puff pastry (I usually use pre-made puff pastry, but feel free to make your own (enough to make two quiche crust) - 10 eggs - Ham, sliced (I would say about six slices, but it's totally up to you) - Grated Cheese - 1 tsp of nutmeg - Salt - Pepper Instructions 1) Put the puff pastry on the baking dish 2) Crack 10 eggs in a mixing bowl and whisk them. 3) Add the slices of ham, nutmeg, salt, and pepper to the mixing bowl along with the whisked eggs. 4) Add the egg mix on top of the puff pastry 5) Top it with grated cheese 6) Preheat the oven to 350˚F. Bake until it is golden brown 7) Enjoy!
  3. Hey guys, so I know I asked this in the Rejuv chat on Showdown, but I just really need help figuring this out. I got two possible Parasect movesets. I usually put competitive movesets on my pokémon (not sure why xD), but can you guys let me know what you think of these possible Parasect movesets. Parasect @ Leftovers Ability: Dry Skin Adamant Nature Moves: Spore X-Scizzor Seed Bomb Knock Off/Pursuit Parasect @ Leftovers Ability: Dry Skin Impish Nature Moves: Spore Substitute Leech Seed Knock Off Also, I'm looking for a Dodrio moveset, it can be competitive or anything. I'm very patient when it comes to catching pokémon with the right nature, so please provide me with a Dodrio moveset in the format that I did with Parasect. Thanks guys!
  4. When you team up with Flora, her back sprite doesn't appear.
  5. Pictures that my boyfriend sent on the Turkish coup. Here's another
  6. Who did you guys go with in Rejuvenation: Erin, Flora, or Florin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meruem


      erin best waifu

    3. Hycrox


      Tried Erin and Flora. Revealed "that" with Erin but not with Flora

  7. Hooray for Rejuv coming out! Now, Jan, time for you to work on V9! xD Also, I really like the picture. Thanks Zumi!
  8. So excited that I'm playing Rejuvenation right now!!!!!!!!

  9. On second thought, still can't fight. Sorry guys!
  10. I'm going to be totally honest. At the beginning of playing Pokémon Go, I didn't like it 'cause I didn't find any pokémon and there were server issues. Then, I realized I had to physically walk around so I did while I was on my way to the airport traveling all over the place and I actually like Pokémon Go now!
  11. Me in Washington D.C on my break from my politics job. Just chilling' in my casual clothes and eating gelato.
  12. Finally, the game is done! Please, please, give us V8 Rejuvenation now!!!!!
  13. Man, I'm disappointed in Pokémon Go. If you would like to know why, go to Showdown, but man right now, I'm pissed about Pokémon Go

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      im just going to guess because you can battle your friends

    2. Maelstrom


      strike one, DBT.

    3. Combat


      I don't know, I think it's pretty good. Not great, but good.

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