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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Listen to the lyrics closely, it has a really good message.
  2. So, you like to get to get things done, so here you go. So, you like rock music? Well, this one is for you. It has a very cheery rock kind of vibe. Well, I already suggested themes for other members, so I would like one, please.
  3. So, you're cool and based on your name, you seem very sassy. So, this is a personal favorite of mine and I hope you enjoy it too! I heard you were going through a rough time or something like that so I want to give you this song, 'cause I believe this song represents you. So, I saw you made a rant or something like that and I just knew I had to share this song with you
  4. So, you really helped me improve my core guide. So, this song is for you. So, you seem like a friendly person so here's a happy and cheery song. So, I'm not sure if this is a song that would represent you, but I hope you like it. You're a really caring person so this is for you. You're very wise, so I would like to share this song with you You're an awesome friend and we've talked a lot. So, this is for you. So, you're a great friend and we've talked, but you've also helped me a lot and I'm grateful for that. So, this one's for you. I tried.
  5. So, I wasn't sure what song would represent you. But, I believe you are caring person as you're not afraid to speak your mind. So, I got this song for you. So, I believe we fought each other in a pokémon battle. So, I picked out this song for you. Babe, I know you're a guy who will post a meme song. So, here's one for you. So, based on your avatar pictures, I see you're the kind of mysterious and creepy kind of character and also seem to be a gentleman. So, I picked this song for you.
  6. Things I'm looking for is that they have my back no matter what and pretty much that they're caring, kind, and loving. Which kind of art would you rather learn: regular art (with pen and pencil), spriting, or digital art?
  7. So, it's simple. Post here and I'll tell you what song I think represents you to the best of my ability.
  8. Ok, so I tried drawing for the very first time. So I first tried drawing my boyfriend that failed epically, so now, I'm going easy! Let me know what you guys think of this!
  9. So I tried spriting and that didn't go well and I learned that I need to buy a drawing pad, which won't happen for a while 'cause my parents won't buy me one 'cause they know I don't really draw and it costs a lot of money. So, now, I'm going to do basic drawing which is drawing in real life. Give me some suggestions and I'll do my best!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      I have a crappy mouse but it can do both spriting and digital art. The only problem is it takes a lot of Ctrl+Z.

    3. RainbowHugs


      I am pretty bad at drawing myself as well, but I agree with Jmanultrax1, try something easy and gain the confidence to try more difficult things, I tried drawing a Voltorb a little earlier because I am using one in Rejuvenation. I failed pretty badly, but I tried digitally and I had to use the mouse-pad because I don't have a mouse xD, anyways, my surgestion would be trying to draw a Petili :) (http://imgur.com/kBxz7Ug <-- My crappy Voltorb)

    4. Debojit97


      I like to paint with brushes...you should start drawing common objects like fruits and flowers...within few days you can draw everything you want..remember every scratch is a drawing.Best of luck!!

  10. So, we had a big tragedy happen in the US, the Orlando Shooting, which is also known as the biggest mass shooting in US History! My heart goes out to all the victims of that shooting. May they rest in peace. But, I want to talk more in-depth. This got me thinking about gun control. Now, many people have said to abolish the second amendment, but I say a different approach. There's no way that someone who is mentally unstable should be allowed to have an AK-47! There needs to be some kind of control, like a small weapon, but not like an assault rifle! I don't know.... What do you guys think of this?
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