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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. 125 I also answered your question in the story thread thing. I don't know.
  2. I mean, I wrote this story a really long time ago, like when I was in 6th grade I believe is when I wrote this story. So, I guess I would say I'm sastified with it. But, if there is enough interest for this story, I might write more. I hope that answers your question!
  3. I'm glad you like it! Don't hesitate to post recipes if you got any!
  4. So, here's a short story I wrote a long time ago. This is not the kind of writing I write now, but I thought I should still post it 'cause I want to hear your thoughts and I want to see how my writing is improving or will improve throughout the years. Anyways, here it is. The Crazy Life of Spoiled Little Leah This is the story of spoiled little Leah, who cares about people around her, but is shy to talk to them. This young child was born in Hollywood California with black hair as the night, a very straight posture and with nobody else to trust but herself. She loved with clothes with spikes on them. She doesn't remember her real parents; all she knows is that she wants to be a movie star when she grows up. No matter what excitement happens in her life, she always felt lonely in her life. She could never bring herself to be happy, even though she has friends. Yes, indeed, she has depression. How? She was hated by almost everyone in her life. Ever since that day, hatred, anger, and sadness grows in her heart. But, at the same time, she knew that her friends always had her back, no matter what. She knew that there are still people who care about her. But still, she could never bring herself to be happy. After all, her trust with people had been hurt. The more the days fly by, the more anger and sadness she feels in her heart. "MOM! LEAVE ME ALONE" she screamed This is how it was everyday, screaming and crying. Her parents were clueless about what was going on with their adopted daughter. "If you don't stop, I will send you back to foster care!" Her parents screamed back at her. "Fine! I don't care! There's nothing left for me here in this dump!" she said while crying Day after day went by. Despite her depression, she was a very good student. She always got A's and B's, even though the story is "The Crazy Life of spoiled Little Leah." Hahaha! The day of her graduation came by. She tried to smile, but you can clearly see that she was scared, shy to speak, and depressed. She had gone in the best universities in the world including Harvard, Oxford, and UC Berkeley, but even that, was not enough to make her happy. The time had come for her to be a movie star. She had got her degree in acting & movie directing. She had co-stared with many famous celebrities including Robin Williams (Rest in peace, Robin Williams) , Matt Damon, and Angelina Jolie. Finally, she had won her Academy Award for her best performance in a Marvel movie. There came the day of "The Happy Life of Happy Little Leah". Yeah, anyways, let me know what you think of it!
  5. Guys, please post actual recipes Anyways, I remembered that I had another recipe. This is my cornbread recipe. Like, I'm dairy free now, but I still make this for my family! Cornbread - 6 tablespoons of unsalted melted butter, plus some butter for baking dish - 1 cup of cornmeal - 3/4 cup of flour - 1 tablespoon of sugar - 1 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon of salt - 2 eggs, beaten - 1 1/2 cup of buttermilk 1) In a bowl, mix the flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together. This is your dry ingredients. 2) In another bowl, mix the eggs, buttermilk, and butter. This is your wet ingredients. 3) Pour the buttermilk mixture in the cornmeal mixture. Mix them together until there are no dry spots. 4) Grease the baking dish with butter and pour the batter in it. 5) Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. 6) Bake until the top is golden brown or for about 20 to 25 minutes. 7) Remove the cornbread from the oven and let it cool 10 minutes before serving 8) Enjoy!
  6. It is over since we counted up to 100 since that's the rule of the game 104
  7. What does MVP mean? WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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