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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. I've watched a couple of episodes of Steven Universe with friends of mine at school and it's a pretty cool show. It's funny and it's a got a good storyline!
  2. I think he means events on the Showdown server
  3. This is a great idea! I look forward to this! If I may make a suggestion, if you're going to hold tournaments for pokémon battling, may I suggest that the winner gets a prize!
  4. Don't know or not sure what to cook or just want to share a cool and tasty recipe, then this is the place for you! :Dhttp://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21182#entry526016

  5. So, I'm sure we've all wanted to eat some delicious foods right. Well, come post your recipes here! The only rule I have is, don't post something basic, like don't post a recipe on how to make a hamburger (unless it's a unique hamburger that has aoli in it or something like that). So, take my recipes below so you know how to post them. Also, feel free to post pictures of yourself experiencing recipes that you tried here! Green Curry Pork with Thai Eggplants - 1 lb of pork (any protein is fine) - 1 can of unsweetened coconut milk (I recommend the brand "Chaokoh") - 2-4 Tbs. of green curry paste - 1/2 lb. of Thai Eggplants, cut in halves or quarters - 1/2 cup shelled fresh peas - 2 kaffir lime leaves - Fish sauce (the only reason you might need fish sauce is because some brands of curry paste are not salted) - 1-2 tsp. of palm or coconut sugar - 1/2 - 1 cup of fresh Thai basil leaves - Silvered chilies (optional) 1) Heat the coconut milk in a pan from medium to high heat. Once you see the oil beginning to separate, add the curry paste 2) Bring to a boil and add the pork 3) Simmer for five minutes before adding the eggplants. Simmer a few minutes and then add the peas and the kaffir lime leaves. 4) Season with fish sauce (if needed) 5) Add palm sugar/coconut sugar 6) Continue to simmer until the eggplants and peas are tender 7) Stir in the basil and chillies (if you want) and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Serve it with fluffy steamed rice (or any rice, if ya want) Potstickers - Pre-packed potsticker wrappers - 3/4 lb. of chicken, grounded (I cooked the chicken and then put it in the blender. Also, you can use any proteins if you want or no protein at all. This dish can be vegetarian. What I'm giving you is the recipe for the filling of the potsticker so you can do any filling you want) - 1 slice of ginger - 1 slice of garlic - Some cabbage (can't remember how much, but I think proportional to the chicken) So, this is easy, you make the filling. Then, add warm water on the side of the potstickers, but before you do that, put a spoonful of filling in the middle of your potsticker wrapper and then glue them together in a potsticker shape (look it up online. There are plenty of tutorials on how to make a potsticker shape) Also, make sure to put flour on the table so that the potstickers don't stick. Heat oil on a pan. Put the potsticker in the pan. After you see a brown color on one side of the potsticker while they're cooking, add water (while they're cooking in the pan!) to the level of the potstickers and cover. The potstickers are fully cooked once all the water evaporated Also, to find these ingredients, go to a Asian store. And that, my friends, is my recipe! Tunisian Brick Recipe (I'm also Tunisian, so this is my special family recipe. Courtesy of my family) Dough Ingredients (4+ people): -8.8 oz.Fine Semolena -Dash of salt -2 c. water Mix Semolena, Salt, 1c. Water in bowl Knead dough very well Add rest of water while kneading Knead until dough is smooth and non-sticky Add water required for (Step 4) Let dough sit for 20 minutes at room temperature Take medium-sized non-stick pan and place on medium heat setting on burner Place small quantity of olive oil on counter Roll dough with rolling pin until thin (2mm)on oiled counter Place dough in pan and cook 50 seconds per surface/side Brick Stuffing Ingredients(4 people): -2 handfuls fresh parsley (finely chopped) -5 whole eggs -1 can canned tuna -2 T. Parmesan cheese -1 shallot (finely chopped) -Salt & Pepper (Individual choice) Place chopped parsley in colander and wash thoroughly for 2 minutes Let sit for 5 minutes until water is gone Mix all ingredients (1 EGG ONLY;KEEP 4 FOR AFTER) in bowl and mix together Take medium sized non-stick pan and pour vegetable oil ¾ full Heat on medium setting Take plate and place Brick sheets in plate Place 3 T. stuffing per sheet, make well in center of stuffing Slowly pour 1 egg into center of well Grab 1 corner of sheet and fold to other corner, so it is symmetrical;keep ends closed Place sheet with stuffing and egg inside, in pan and place in hot oil Cook each side until browned and golden When all Bricks done, place in large plate and serve with lemon
  6. I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but may I suggest that the winner of a tournament wins some kind of prize? Or, you can have prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. It can be a small prize, like you win some rupees, you win an art drawing, or you can get a sprite for free made by Shia something like that. I don't know. What do you guys think of this?
  7. So, this is how it's going to start. The only kind of games I play are Pokémon and I wanted to try out other kind of games to open up my mind. Then, I heard about the Metal Gear Series. So, I thought of trying it out. Then, my friends tell me stories about the creation behind Metal Gear and how it was created by Hideo Kojima. Then, I hear that he leaves and I start wondering why. So, I look it up and oh my gosh! Konami treated him like crap! So, here's what I know about this. This started when Kojima was working on what he said was going to be the last Metal Gear game in the series: Phantom Pain. So, Kojima was in his production studio working on Phantom Pain when out of nowhere, Konami shows up and pretty much says "We're taking over. You can leave" like seriously, you can't just barge in and say you can leave! Konami caused his studio to go out of business because of this! Then, comes PT. For those of you who don't know, PT is a teaser to a game Kojima was working on called Silent Hills. Not only was Kojima working on it, but Guillermo Del Toro was going to direct it and it was going to star Norman Reeds, the star of The Walking Dead was going to be the star in the game! So, it was going to be a great game! Then, out of nowhere, Konami decided to pull the plug on it for absolutely no reason! This caused Guillermo Del Toro to almost quit the gaming industry and Norman Reeds now hates Konami because of it. But, the worst insult from Konami, was at the Game Awards when Kojima was suppose to be there to accept his awards for Phantom Pain, but Konami had their lawyers threaten him and told him not to show up and someone else accepted the award for him! Like.....seriously?! Now granted, if he said he couldn't show up 'cause he was sick or really busy, I would understand, but they threatened him! Kojima didn't do anything about it, but I think he should've filed a lawsuit against them 'cause it's against the law to threaten someone and you just don't do that! Now granted, he was still under contract with Konami, but he still should've done it! Here's the proof if you guys want to see it: That being said, let's talk about Konami in general. I just don't understand what goes through their minds. They used to be really great and now, they're just bad. They said they were going to stop making games and start making more mobile games 'cause they're more popular, which in my opinion is complete bs 'cause I believe both mobile games and games in general are popular. That's not all, but you have the president of Konami who says they don't like any of the products they're putting out! Well......how are we going to like it, as gamers, if you don't like it! If you like what you're putting out, then we're going to like it as gamers! Now, here's a video where I believe this guy explains it really well! Here are two videos: Now, call me crazy or whatever but I have friends who know people who used to work at Konami. So, I told my friends to ask these people if what happened to Kojima is pretty accurate and they told me you have no idea. They told me that Konami treat their employees very badly, so yeah...... I mean, that is disgusting in my opinion and I hope they go out of business 'cause as a game-maker (yes I am making a game, but I'm not going to reveal details just yet, but keep your eyes peeled for it if you want to) my number #1 priority is to treat all of my employees with respect. I want a great and friendly environment. I feel like as a boss, it is not only my duty, but my obligation to make sure that everyone is okay, not only doing the work that they're suppose to do, but to also make sure that they're okay as a person, you know what I'm saying. Also, this whole situation reminds me of what happened between Fox and Josh Trank. So, Josh Trank was directing Fantastic Four and Fox changes the entire movie behind his back, which is really rude! Why? Well, I'll tell you why. It's like this for example, so you're looking for a designer to design your house. You and the designer negotiate what designs you'll put in the house, then, you let the designer do their work! If you change your mind about something, that's fine. You negotiate with the designer, but you don't sneak in and change the design behind the designer's back. Well, that's pretty much my way of describing all of this. Like, Hideo Kojima and Konami agree what they want on Metal Gear, so Konami, you have absolutely no right to just barge in and take over his studio. Same thing with Josh Trank and Fox. Fox, you have no right to change the movie being his back! Once you agree on something, let the director do his work! I can't stress that out enough! So, now, Kojima has left Konami and has now signed a new contract with Sony. Yeah, I get it, Sony has had a lot of hacking issues and with the e-mail leaks that revealed Sony insulting Angelina Jolie and all of that, but I can say Sony is a lot nicer than Konami. So, now, Kojima is working on a new game with Sony called Death Stranding. It also stars Norman Reed as the main character in the game! I'm so glad these two got back together to work on things together despite everything they've been through. There is also a farewell video from Kojima which I encourage you guys to watch as it is very powerful! Now, don't get me wrong. Konami did some great stuff, like Yugioh and all of that, but now, they're just bad. I'm not gonna lie, I've had thoughts of working with Konami, but after hearing what Kojima went through with Konami, I'm never going to work with them. Right now, for me, they are the worst gaming company I've ever seen. I don't know. Anyways, I apologize if this is really long, but that's how pissed I got hearing this and I just wanted to say something. So, anyways, let me know what you guys think of all of this!
  8. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-61571 So, I'm working really hard on predicting my opponent's moves and I think this might be a good example that I did a good job with that!
  9. So, I was thinking. We should have commentators for PokeNation matches! It would make it so much fun! Now, I don't know about you guys, but I would commentate any PokeNation match I stumble upon!
  10. Oh my gosh! I DID IT!!!!! I WON MY VERY FIRST POKENATION MATCH!!!!!!! Good game, pbood2! :Dhttp://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-uu-61565

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander


      Good job CG. One step closer to world domination.

    3. Shad_


      I see an Hydreigon on your team, and i like this. Good game by the way, you played quite well :]

    4. pbood2


      yeah she used her slurpuff at the perfect moment where I couldn't stop the belly drum tactic so awesome plays.

  11. Good game pbood2! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-uu-61565 I WON, MY VERY FIRST POKÉNATION MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Oh my gosh guys! I have 100 likes now on Reborn! :Dhttp://imgur.com/PvGjRiQ

    1. Maelstrom


      Keep saying quality stuff and who knows how high that number will end up.

    2. Jelly
    3. dead account

      dead account

      Welp. I guess little of what I have to say is of any quality then.

  13. I think you should install something called WinRar or Unarchiver will work too. And yeah, install the programs you want through it.
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