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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by finkployd

  1. Can someone please trade me a ditto? I can give you any starter mon
  2. A near perfect ditto would do too! I have all the starters if you're looking for any
  3. Alreeady got em. Thanks anyway!
  4. Yep, still looking. Which ones do you want?
  5. Need these to complete the starter sidequest. Have all the remaining starters so willing to trade any for these
  6. I had faced a similar issue. Read somewhere that you can get the Squirtle in rain in EP18 (didn't know it before) Saved just outside the area, loaded and reentered the area. Bam! Squirtle right in front of me. Guess that should work for you too
  7. @Salad Table You can go to one of the caves in the Rhodocrine jungle where you find lvl 60 Swoobats in those spots (for speed EVs) Likewise for Sp. Atk, you can catch a train to the desert to fight Alolan Exeggcutor
  8. What about now? Gearen power plant? (v7)
  9. Is magneton supposed to evolve in Gearen power plant?
  10. I kinda skipped the 3rd gym. Faced no issues until I had to use surf for the first time in terajuma jungle (after beating 5th gym).. It tells me I need a new badge. I'm stuck! Can't go back either Game.rxdata
  11. This maybe slightly off the topic but I kinda skipped the 3rd gym. Faced no issues until I had to use surf for the first time in terajuma jungle.. It tells me I need a new badge. I'm stuck! Can't go back either Attaching my saved file
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