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Everything posted by torpedocat

  1. digs a hole in the hill I've become the king under the hill/mountain (way cooler) and really don't care about the rest of ya
  2. Amethyst smells the worse!!! Rotting flesh deep in the depths of hell. Not that I condemned her for that quadruple battle near the end of ep.16 or anything... Shit happen, you know...
  3. damn son Hallo-mc in the house or wha t!!?
  4. how about posting it here? I'm interested in getting it. 6 years alone, I sure can cook I just need someone to wash me dishes
  5. Well it's a really a complicated theory and one of the 3 laws describing the development of organisms like the society states that if there is going to be a change (not in quantity, but in quality) the subject (working class) nust overcome it's very nature aka the capitalist way of production into a self-conscious one. And that's where a socialistic "state" comes in, that is it's very purpose and under no circumstances should it consist a separe state with no potential of evolving into communism.It's boring, I know and I'm still studying it, so I won't bother you with details @SonofRed supporting vermin all the way dude. Gotta love that fascist scum <3
  6. that woman (and her list) is giving me the chills... Anyway, pardon me, english is not my primary language, so that's more than enough to generate misunderstandings, unintentionally. I like to define myself as a Marxist-Leninist, a communist. with Socialism standing for a "state" with a central coordination and planning mechanism, a direct receiver of the will of the working class (no representatives included), who hold the means of production. In other words, a "dictatorship" of the proletariat aka amere intermediate for passing on to communism; a stateless society (not it's final form, that has yet to be discovered)/the unified humanity. A pretty unrefined generalization of what these terms stand for.
  7. It was sarcasm. That would be me, stating the obvious, trying to be funny. I don't have to read every single post to unertand the irony I'm also revealing my social ideology, you know, for future conversations. jeez, you conservatives live up to your name
  8. try to clean it up; over the years, dust, hair and other things tend to stack up. If you don't have the tools to do it, give it to someone who knows about that sht
  9. I lost you there... Care to explain?
  10. Oh man... I can't fight the urge to involve myself in this mess... So, where do I begin? Let's see... Ah, right! Your political thesis are flat out, a joke. No offence of course. Dearly yours, a fellow commie.
  11. the story goes as follows; I used to play the Lore-master class in the Lord of the Rings Online MMo, a class that utilizes pets. One of them (the pets) happens to be a sneaky lynx that when sent out on the enemies it dealth tons of damage and wasn't spotted until it was really close to them and from my point of view, it's head and back, while running, seemed almost like a torpedo with a tail attached. So there you have it; stealth, high dmg and the looks (sort of) a torpedo of my feline companion.... I'm weird, I kno
  12. JUST CAN"T HOLD BACK bahahahahaha
  13. damn it, most of you are so young, it feels illegal
  14. WH40K, pkmn, MoH and Tekken cause I grew up with these games
  15. Assuming that I'm too old, even for this forums standards (not just pkm), and since pokemon are NOT an RPG genre games (but rather TBS), I'd probably say... Dragon warrior 7 (first RPG I ever touched).... hmmmm, on the other hand I love Tolkien's world, so maybe Lord of the Rings Online should be the answer.
  16. poor peasants... Can't hear you over mewto's screams running away my Shedinja...
  17. That's really heart-warming guys, thank you! I did read the rules and stuff but come on, let's face it; NONE of the people who were pokemon since childhood is gonna use a team-builder or learn about the new game mechanics, cause we just know axaxaxaxax about the hat-cult, it's awsome, but I think my avatar is quite in the xmas spirit; look at all the red and white
  18. Yeah, I suppose I'm the newest guy around here. Hi all. Have a great time raging and quitting while playing reborn. At least I do :-/
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