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About towee

  • Birthday 03/19/1998

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    Pyukumuku #1 fan
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  • Interests
    Stardew Valley is my life yo

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  1. I'm sorry, this is the first time I'm trading with someone so I thought it froze and exited. Send one last time pls
  2. Sorry can you send again? Accidently went out of it
  3. My name is telgbro and I'm ready now and for another 2 hours ^^ and sorry again for being late just came home from a soccer game owo After that I will be available tomorrow after 2 pm CEST :3
  4. Omg, thank yooou! :3 Sorry for late reply, went to bed ^^ Do you want anything in return??
  5. Oh, thanks alot!! You're too kind ^^ I would like the pichu to be timid & whatever ability (gonna be an alolan raichu) and the drilbur w/ jolly and moldbreaker :3
  6. Looking for a pichu and a drilbur (pref good IV's, but any will do) Thanks ^^
  7. So, I fought the fake dc couple and got the key, but when I opened the warehouse (the one with the banging) there was nothing inside. I did this quest after I got like the 4th badge, idk if it has something to do with that.
  8. towee

    Chinchou owo

    Oh, I really hope so :3 And I got a gastly from the wispy ruins in goldenleaf town, but iirc you need to have like 8 or 9 badges @GreenDecidueyeArrow
  9. towee

    Chinchou owo

    Yeah, I tried that and unfortunately you can only re-live 3 moments (goldenwood, carotos and amethyst cave) iirc it should be terajuma And ayy, good taste :3
  10. So, I recently heard that you can get a but I am way past that part, and I am so far into the game that I don't really want to restart. Is there any other way to get a chinchou other than that and the mystery egg in v10? Thanks!
  11. Damn, can't seem to re-live that moment through that professors machine. And this is the first time I don't wanna restart since I really like my team ;-; Oh well, thanks for the help ;3
  12. Could you specify when? I would like to know if I have to replay everything again or nah
  13. I just hope that one day you'll be able to get chinchou another way
  14. I have restarted the game multiple times to try to get a chinchou from the mystery egg (and considering how long it takes to actually get it, that's a yikes) I have only gotten wishiwashi and stufful from it. I'm so sad. Lanturn is my favorite (non legendary) mon, and it would complete the team I have right now ;-;
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