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Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
@EigengrauIs the best! Gave me the pokemon I asked for and THEN SOME! Thanks so much, ma man! I don't have enough praise for this guy right now! I know I said it already but Bless Your Soul!- 551 replies
- 1
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
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- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
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- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
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Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
Reborn's got Alolan forms? geez, have long have I been gone???- 551 replies
- 1
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
Gligar def isn't a bad choice. A Mamoswine could run though that team too now that I think about it.- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
oh, that's right. I've been out of competitive for a while and I had just seen Gastly and saw Levitate. Forgot how they did my boy dirty Then, he better find a good ice type to run with- 551 replies
- 1
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
@MorganI'm here trying to grab a Gastly off of @Eigengrau lol I don't have anything near the level you need to take on CIel, sorry- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
@Morgan you have no other pokemon that are up to level? That Mega Alteria is def a pain the ass. I think Gengar might be your only out it really. Levitate will keep it from getting hit with EQ and you have the type advantage to deal with the Hyper voice. IDK if Gengar can Sludge Bomb in this game though- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
You're being kind of vague. No one can really help you if you don't specify what's wrong. What's your team?- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
alright, then I ain't gotta worry about that. Thanks!- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
@EigengrauThat's perfectly fine, ma man. Just let me know when everything is ready and one more selfish request? I don't know if this game allows you to nickname traded pokemon (I'd think not) so can you nickname them for me?- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
@Starry KnightI'm just kind of taken aback with the generosity. Not being able to get the pokemon I want right off the rip, like Gastly for example, kind of puts me off the game sometimes. I think Gen 2 games spoiled me a little bit lol @Eigengrau Could I have a Gastly and a Cyndaquill if you still have them? Preferably shiny with Modest Natures? I'd very much appreciate it!- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic
DB-Generation13 started following Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
Your friendly Neighborhood Dealer -Da BReedeR!!!
DB-Generation13 replied to Eigengrau's topic in Online Play
@Eigengrau so let me get this straight...you're just breeding pokemon and GIVING them away? as in for FREE?- 551 replies
- omanyte
- larvesta
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- omanyte
- larvesta
- galvanula
- sigilyph
- azuril
- riolu
- seel
- oricorio
- trapinch
- elekid
- archeops
- water spout
- totodile
- aerodactyl
- shroomish
- squirtle
- archen
- last resort
- magikarp
- bulbasar
- ralts
- chimchar
- shiny
- beldum
- honedge
- feebas
- pichu
- roselia
- fossil pokemon
- snivy
- trade
- rattata
- egg move
- tyrunt
- pawniard
- gible
- perfect ivs
- ghastly
- bagon
- lileep
- cyndaquil
- shellder
- charmander
- chespin
- litten
- froakie
- tepig
- amaura
- scrafty
- fossil
- simipour
- milotic