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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kyon-kun

  1. Oh thank you! But I overcame my problem and don't need it anymore u.u (I wanted to beat the fighting gym leader with my flying moves without the lack of accuracy being a problem)
  2. Thank you! Well I'll have to find a way without it then :,)
  3. Oh I see! Well it's kind of cool to have all these different mixes ^~^
  4. I just wanted to know if there was an aerial ace TM and if yes then maybe where it is :3 If there isn't then well... too bad x) But I'd be really glad if there was so I'm asking for help! Please help me
  5. Kyon! Kyon everywhere! xD Thank you for the welcome by the way :3
  6. I just noticed that in the volcano near the Fighting gym, the battle music contains the tetris theme song's melody x) I thought it was cool so I share it here. Have anyone noticed yet?
  7. Huuugs! Ahem... so what is your least favourite gym leader and why? :3
  8. Thank you everyone! i won't hesitate to ask if I have questions!
  9. This describes my pokemon Reborn experience fairly well x)
  10. So you too have been playing pokemon since you were young? I'm way younger than you but I remember playing pokemon around 6-7 years old Anyway, welcome!
  11. Thank you! I'll surely need advices x)
  12. I'll grind a bit and use my psychic and dark moves and it will be alright :3 his trevenant (not sure about the name) is the real problem for now x) but as I have two fire pokemons now it will probably work out somehow Just need them to level up x) And I'll be posting around the forums don't worry!
  13. Thank you! I'll make sure to enjoy it! :3
  14. Hi everyone! I heard this is where we introduce ourselves so... that's what I'm doing! I downloaded the game yesterday and played it 13 hours already I chose Froakie as a starter and I'm trying to beat Shade now! (Useless life facts about me) So that's all for my introduction I hope I didn't post it in the wrong place!
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