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About Hachibimaru

  • Birthday 09/30/1991

Profile Information

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    AKA Hakuma
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  • Interests
    Name: Hachibimaru

    Type(s): Ghost - Ice
    Gender Ratio: 100% Male
    Catch Rate: .0001%
    Height: 1.8 M
    Weight: 100 Kg
    Leveling Rate: Very Fast

    -Defiant -Competitive

    Pokédex Entries:
    Red: Don't run from a battle with him, it will be Worse
    Blue: Atacking surprising is his speciality
    Yellow: Discovered how to get mew without help.
    Gold: Sometimes you can scape giving him food.
    Silver: He sleeps in warm places, freezing everything when awakes.
    Crystal: He chases weakened trainers to beat them easyly without mercy and steal they money.
    Ruby: He is strong, he is bad, he come to make the devil's plan
    Saphire: He hate dirt, but loves clay baths
    Emerald: When the black clouds sorround the sky, he will sing a perishsong
    Pearl: His breath froze hearts with his speech.
    Diamond: He likes dark places to shine in them.
    Platinum: When he make a good action, the time and space corrupt destroying the closest galaxy.
    Black: He hates Withe People, for no reasons.
    Withe: He hates Black People, for no reasons.
    X: He never aknowledge defeat
    Y: He kills allies and enemies alike, but enjoy torturing traitors.

    Start: Nasty Plot
    Start: Lock On
    Start: Sheer Cold
    Start: Shadow Force
    Start: Hail
    Start: Leech Life
    Start: Hypnosis
    Start: Nightmare
    Start: Dream Eater
    Start: Toxic
    Start: Poison Fang
    Start: Agility
    Start: Amnesia
    Start: Agility
    Start: Heal Bock

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  1. Cool, someone that i have to stalk a little to learn how write a tittle
  2. Welcome!, i'm also new, but since i read that you're a canadian i needed to say hi to one individual from one of the most polite country in this world, if not the most. Is good to know that you share a hobby and interest like writing histories, i Hope we can meet often to have conversations, i guess will be interesting to know your experience in the matter. Greetings!
  3. I'll admite it, i Belived that i wouldn't have any response 'till tomorrow or after. Somehow i amazed by the activity (may be the title worked). I will take the suggestions to explore the web, since i have no idea of the "Server" i have to investigate. Greetings.
  4. Pokédex Entry: "The deep abyss seems brighter than his humor" Hello Everybody: I'm Hachibimaru, Pokémon fan (why other reason to be here?). I downloaded the game a week and a half ago and althought i finished the fifthteen episode yesterday, i have to say that is the best pokémon game i ever played (may be 'couse you're sick-bastard with no-life). Things to know 'bout me. English isn't my primary language, so shit can happens while I talk. I'm a low-level player, barely knowing 300 pokémon, not talking moves or habilities (thank's bulbapedia for the info), but at least keeping the victories in a relation of 8:1 I like death and bloody scenes, like the "------" that suicide without lend me the badge or the TM OR His pokemons (i already got two) I Like Discussions and lesson I Like Water, Ice, Psychic Ghost n' Steel tipe Pokemons My Favorite Pokémons is Dragonite and Haunter I Dislike Weakness or timidity (I like the Nature Timid, however) I Dislike Herrors, Lists and Irony If i have enought confidence, i trend to be cruel, sarcastic and very violent, and for some reason people still loves me (thank you mom, now get out!). I Like Reborn I Hate you, whatever it's reading this, by no peculiar reason I'm racist with everybody, may be you're black, or withe, or asian, or tall, or short, or whatever, i will say something offensive if you become my friend. Everyother time, I'm just classy. I'm a liar, just like you (yeah, you muterfaqer), but i'm honest most of the time. No the offensive, but the Assertive (did you read good? muterfaqer) I'm good following the rules, but i trend to forget them very easyly, not the logic ones, but the ones that aren't. I'm a person, not a Dog, or a cat (may be Garfield), not an alien (not proved yet, at least), not a God (i don't like to be treated specialy from the beginning, but later...with an altar in the deeps of a blood lake will be enough) I have a job (something like you also must have, muterfaqer), so my time is partialy employed in gaining money, and not playing (videogames, but peoples lives) I'm a individual who have aproximate knowledge of everything, except names, that information is simply ereased every minute. Well, that's a general presentation. If i missed something, you will probably know with time (if you live longer enough). PD: If you have a suggestion on what to partisipate next, like a game, an activity or kill someone, just say it. PD2: When will be realeased the sixteenth Chapter? (just kidding) PD3: Grammarnazis are welcome to mak every correction they want (Corrective Action may not be taken without a rule being broken)
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