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61 Samaritan


About BIGFriv

  • Birthday 05/03/1999

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  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone, it has been a few months. Progress *is* still being made, so let's get the graph out of the way again: So the general Total % didn't move, but Eventing and Sidequests did, Mapping is missing 1 big map. Graphics wise, 90% might no longer be correct, since we need to redo the Cave and Forest Field BGs, but I already have someone on the case (Aboodie). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I guess what I want to talk about this time is the games story. I don't think I ever really talked about it here, on the games thread the synopsis is this: The premise is still the same, but I'm gonna re-iterate it here in a less 'poetic' and 'mysterious' way, it was written that way in the thread because it was appealing. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The game starts on the Players 18th birthday, and you and your BFF both decide on your own to join the Pokémon League Challenge, it's a championship/competition around the region where everyone can participate as long as they register on time online. Participating in this competition gives you a few perks, prices in items on PokéMarts are cheaper, and there's certain locations around the region that you're allowed to visit without having otherwise, the authorization or warrant to go in them (Participating in the championship basically acts as a free-entry on locked areas), these locations can be certain routes, or abandoned buildings etc... The Players goal is simple, find out where their mom is, they were abandoned when they were a really young child and left with their father, who took care of them ever since. The only thing they have from their mom is a keepsake she left behind, a broken Ultra-Ball, their goal is to fix them, and interact with people around the region that know about their mom, to learn more about her and maybe eventually learn of her whereabouts. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The basic premise is exactly that, of course it gets complicated and doesn't focus purely around just finding out your mom, your rivals and friends will also have their own goals and you will be able to help them and they will help you. I wanted to give the player their own goal, well, at least the Player Character in-world, if you the player actually cares or likes it is a different story that I can't do much about, but hopefully the gameplay can at least make you interested in continuing then. There will be villains, and there will be danger. The start of the game directly mentions that some people escaped prison. There will be minor villains to beat once in a while (I'm a sucker for these), and also overarching narrative villains that will re-appear every so often (I'm a sucker for these). I think I need to say this: I KNOW where the majority of the characters end. I KNOW where the story goes at the end. NOT every character will get a character arc and change (some personalities are just too fun for me to change them) I also do have a list of plot-points that will happen, but I will admit that I don't have the proper order for all of them, there are still two or three characters I worry about, but hopefully as I write them I will have a proper idea of how best utilize them. Anyway I'm gonna introduce some friends and rivals now, because I don't remember if I ever did. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Rivals: Emily Willing (18 Years Old) She is the players BFF, she was born on the same exact date as the player, at the same hour, in the same hospital, 29th October 2001. She has an unusual attachment to the player, likes the same thing they do, does more or less the same thing they do, and enjoys spending time with them. She does have her own personal likes, dislikes and desires, but most of the time they are overshadowed by what she knows the player likes and dislikes more. She starts the story with no real goal other than tagging along, but that quickly changes... Synea Reid (23 Years Old) She is the last of the rivals the player meets, she is good at discovering information, but bad at using it. She can be impulsive and short-tempered, even hostile and agressive against those she deems criminals or bad people. Maybe a bit of a hero complex, who knows. Her goal is to become a detective, much like her father... Keren Galbraith (21 Years Old) He is a lot more calm, and keeps to himself most of the time, but eventually opens more to the player. He is Wills older brother, and is mostly just following him around the region and going where his brother wants to go. He is also the most competent in battle out of all the rivals. He doesn't know what he wants in life, but knows what he doesn't. Will Galbraith (10 Years Old) He is a respectful kid that only wants to do good. He always uses honorifics when talking to people (Mr. Miss. Ma'am etc...), Keren is the exception. He is partaking in the league challenge and looks at you and his brother with admiration and desire to be as strong as you two. Quickly takes a liking to you after seeing how quickly and effectively you defeated the first gym, something that he struggles with. He is the weakest of your rivals, but is also the one with the most growth potential. You'll partner up with this kid quite often. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Starters: I don't think I have talked about the starters for Divulgence either, so I'll also do that here: I don't think I need to explain why these. If you're reading this you're smart enough to figure it out yourself. While I'm at it I'll also tell you what Pokémon the rivals got as their starter: Emily is Skitty Synea is Shinx Keren is Deino Will is Sentret ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How the game plays... First I want to drop this here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wusCE20z5MjU2fNi0rpcR1YS8UEVXPfF/view This link allows you to play the original 2020 tech demo, it is very bare-bones, you can't even play as a girl in this despite having the choice (you will literally be invisible and might even crash) But back then I needed to put something out, I needed to know if people would enjoy it at least a bit, people did. Give it a try if you haven't, but do remember the save will not be converted to the next update, as the game was remade from the ground up. I would love to see what you think of this tech demo compared to the next update. ANYWAY, about the next update. So, this is more of a warning, but there will be a lot, and I mean A LOT, of side events that you can skip. Just for the next update, I would say half the runtime is skippable content that you *can* miss if you don't do it. A lot of this content is hanging out with your rivals and friends, doing things with them, knowing more about them, battling them. I will of couse still have the main story play out and be forced to do, but I can't stress out enough how much content can be missed, and can be skipped, so please do explore. I will say this again when the update comes out, hopefully by the end of the year but based on how much of a bitch I am it will probably be January, kinda sucks because I actually wanted it to come out the 29th October originally to fit in with the players birth-date. I'm sorry. https://imgur.com/nwR9MW2 oh my god i cant figure out how to make gifs work here so fuck it, you can click the link im losing my mind ( got you boi ;') )
  2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh, what is this? A second blog post in a row? On god? That's so sigma. Okay so, let me get this out of the way: I'm gonna explain this thing real quick, which is where the update currently is in development. - 21/08/2024- Old Content: It's everything from the starting town to the First Gym area. Sprites were also retouched a bit. I'll only talk about what I still have to do now New Content: Mapping: 1 Interior map for a Temple 1 Interior map for a Bike Shop Script Changes: Telling AI Field Effects exist Coding some last sections of Field Effects I haven't figured out yet Rework Infatuation Code the 3 new weathers - Fog - Dry Thunderstorm - Acid Rain Eventing: Story event after the second gym and inside the temple Random NPCs everywhere god i hate eventing so fucking much Graphics: I'm skipping shinys, they are self explanatory, I do need to mention these are only for the Pokémon *available* Trainer Sprites: Only 3 Trainer Sprites are left to do + their OWs So I'm telling you all this because I want to be a bit more open about the development. I'm not against anyone DMing me or Pinging me on Discord if you have questions btw. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pokémon Forms Pokémon through-out the years has had many Pokémon have different forms, Burmy and its different cloaks, Lycanroc and its Day-Time Forms, Rotom and the Appliance Forms... So Divulgence will have more of these, I didn't want *ONLY* to do Regionals, those are cool and all, but theres untapped potential here. Heres a small list of things I want to make, doesn't mean I have made them yet, these are all just theoretical: More Oricorio Forms Another Wishiwashi Form [Deep Ocean] More Rotom Forms [Planned] More Wormadam Forms [Planned and already added to the game] North and South Gastrodon Forms More Vivillon Patterns [Planned and one already in the game] More Florges Line Colors More Furfrou haircuts More Aegislash Weapons [Planned] More Alcreamie Forms [Planned and will be added whenever we have sprites lol] More Squakawbilly Plumages More Tatsugiris, one per stat Dawn Lycanroc [Planned and added] There will also be something special for every Alcreamie Form, planned and already coded. Something special for Antique Form Sinistea and Masterpiece Sinistcha. Sawsbuck Forms will have something special about them. Credits for the sprite: https://www.deviantart.com/zzcristobalzz/art/Lycanroc-Dawn-form-697235994
  3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone! Its been like... a million years? Yeah I don't really do posts or anything. The game isn't dead, I am just very slow at working on things, specially on the elements of game development I despise doing *cough* eventing *cough*. In the past I also worked too much on the game to the point I didn't want to anymore, but now I got my Work-Dev-Life balance figured out, with Development not being the last of those three I focus on. I already posted some of the following things in the Divulgence Discord (link in the Divulgence Thread), but I'll post them here now too and then mention some new stuff. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1] What will not return from the first tech demo? EXP Bottles. There's a much better and much faster method of raising levels in the game now. EXP Formula is a bit tigher and helps with low level mons to catch up faster and mons that are too high level receive nothing [Credit: DemICE - Urmumium] Pokecenters will have a Machine that are a 1 TIME buy per PokéCenter, where you can instantly level up your Pokémon to an X level, X being different per PokéCenter and always 1-2 levels below the LVL Cap [Credit: Aboodie & DemICE] Potion Debuff mechanic. While I liked it in theory, in practice I never really needed it and all it did was stop Potion spammers, so whatever. Waste your money I guess. Easy Mode. Gone. Deleted. Yeeted. I don't want to or care to work on it. We are keeping these: Standard [Game Freak Style] - Divulgence [Reborn Style] - Over The Rainbow [Hard+] [2] Next Update, what does it contain? I would love to come here and tell you that in the past 3-4 years since the tech demo I made half the game. Sadly I didn't. I didn't want to work on the game for a big big while, so I didn't. I only really got back into it in the last 2 years or so, and even then I had some moments where I didn't touch it for a month or two. Update will go to after the 2nd Gym, there will be a story event right after, and the update ends there More regional variants! Including one from Soulstones 2, it was one of my favourites from them, and they allowed me to use it Better AI than the original tech demo More new moves, abilities and items as per usual Pokémon Specific Items, think Light Ball and Leek, more details below All areas of the tech demo were remade and re-evented, I'm not doing this again Player Characters actually have designs now, you probably saw them on the thread or on twitter Some story choices will *slightly* matter (they wont be game changers, but they might change order of events in the short term. They are usually cute changes) Custom shinys for all the Pokémon available to the player Pokémon Rebalances, this doesn't mean buffs, just changes, more details below ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pokémon Exclusive Items Items right? We love them on us, hate them on enemies. What if I told you, I made... way too many... and I'll probably make a bunch more cause I find items really fun. The ideas to start making more Pokémon Exclusive Items started in November of 2023. Game Freak already made a few, Leek, Deep Sea Tooth/Scale, Thick Club, Light Orb... So most of my items will be on that scale, not all of course, because I do want to just have fun. Here are some of them; Plastic Bag [Increases Defense of Trubbish Line by x1.3] Honey Comb [Raises BST of Bee Pokémon by x1.2] [Combee - Vespiquen - Ribombee - Beedrill] Growth Vial [Boosts BST of Seed Pokémon by x1.5] [Seedot - Sunkern - Ferroseed - Pineco - Bulbasaur] Wizards Wand [Held Item related moves have +1 priority; Covet - Knowk Off - Trick - Magic Room] [Mismagius - Hattrem Line - Delphox] Possessed Shovel [Starts Sandstorm when hit by a Contact Move] [Sandygast Line] Gold Coin [Pay Day deals x2 damage. Opponents moves cost more PP] [Meowth Line - Gholdhengo Line] Pendulum [Hypnosis never misses and goes through Protect, Substitute, Safeguard, Mist (not Misty Terrain)] [Hypno Line] Most of these are fairly simple, but then you have an item like the Moon Dial shown in the picture above, that does like 5 different things and basically transforms the mon its for into a whole ass new thing. I am worried I put it way way way too early. Of course, these are only some, there's like.... 50? I have a whole ass list. I don't have ONLY Pokémon Exclusive Items, I also have more general use Items like: Superiority Vest [+3 Atk/+3 Sp Atk when hit by a 4x Super effective move; Consumable] Reckless Vest [Moves deal no Recoil, can't be healed] Mummy-In-A-Bottle [When hit by a contact move, Enemy gains Mummy ability; Consumable] Ubercharged Cookie [Power Herb, but isn't a consumable] I'm not gonna post them all here, I still want some sense of surprise. But I can show you the names! I have a sort of Tier List, that I use to know more or less when to distribute items, with any rule there's exceptions of course and sometimes I'll put these earlier than they would normally. Here! I also have one of these for TMs, and another for Tutor moves, same deal for them, for me to gauge when to place them/give them.
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  5. Theres already different programs for fangame development, the tools for Rom Hacking keep getting better every year. PSDK, MK, and a few other programs exist, Theres a lot more but I don't remember them all. RPGMaker XP and Essentials simply are the most popular, and Essentials has done a lot of work to improve itself over the last 2 years so not everything is lost
  6. Do you have any screenshots? Or progress pics?
  7. Have you started making this fangame or not? Any progress or did you just get the idea and make the thread? (Also, the thread is in the wrong place, you put it in Resources and Tutorials, when it should be in Fangame Exposé, ask a forum mod to move it, please, for my own sanity)
  8. Most other things only change 1 thing, Trick Room is speed, Swift Swim would require Rain etc... But field effect manipulation is just broken, it changes many more things, Grassy Terrain doesnt only heal you a bit at end of turn, or boost your grass moves, it does much more than that. The AI loses a lot of benefits from the field with you just using one move, specially when fights are based around the field. It's basically a certain death for many fights, Trick Room isnt, the AI can still utilise it even if they are slower, and even then, didn't you say in another thread about not understanding why Trick Room is only available in 2 mons?? Thats exactly why, it's a pretty strong move, that thankfully only a couple mons learn by lvl up, so its easier to control over the dozen of mons that learn terrain moves. It gives the player a lot more room to play around than the enemy, the player can prepare before hand, and battle design wise, using moves to change the field in a sort of battle of attrition. Volcano > Cave > Volcano, where youre constantly fighting over the arena with the AI is just so so much more interesting and engaging.
  9. I mean yeah, it was a highly requested feature, and most Intense Players already used Set Mode by default. Intense is made for Set Mod, Switch Mode is a slightly easier version.
  10. Look, I'm not disagreeing with you. I started because of the "dark souls" thing people used to say. But I remained for the story and setting. I love this grim-dark setting, its why Reborn is my favourite fangame. But not everyone joins because of it! I would say many hate this edgy setting and it puts them off and only play for the battles.
  11. I startedd playing Reborn because people called it the "dark souls" of Pokémon. Field Effects and world always came second to that.
  12. Reborn also does this often. Theres a guide that tells you all about it inside the gyms. Berry Emporium, Dept Store + You get a multitude of different berries throughout the game as Hidden Items Only items that don't exist for the player yet are: Choice Items, some Mega Stones, some Crests and some Z-Crystals. Pay Day + Luck Incense I can kinda get this, but these TMs are extremely good: EQ, Ice Beam, U-Turn, Blizzard/Fire Blast/Thunder, Swords Dance and Calm Mind. Out of these only the Blizzard/Blast and Thunder ones we will probably see soon. I get what you mean, but what you consider unfair changes from person to person. So it's hard to say. And about that battle in the spoiler, you can lose that battle you know?
  13. Hello nerds of equal value. Don't forget your liver is worth a lot in the black market, keep it safe. Today I bring you, some very slight and small updates, mostly related to; Battle UI and some smol map updates! Let's get the map updates out of the way first! eheh! These maps are called from top to bottom: Fragmented Island, Fragmented Path and Route 6! Of course, theres also the Battle UI! There's still some kinks I need to fix, but I really like it so far! See you all next month probably. Don't forget to be gay!
  14. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. BIGFriv


      thank you! 


    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome 🙂

  15. Humen, and Humans welcome for I have returnedth. Been a long while since I did an update. I came here to say, things have been going, slowly sadly, but they have been going! Essentials V18 came out, which took some of my time to upgrade the game to that version. As you know the world is in the state that is in, and while I don't think it is because of that, I have been waving between moments where I work a lot, and moments where I don't do much. My goal was to get this update finished before August, but at this rate I'm not so certain, so I apologize. I did come here with some screenshots tho! The player characters OWs are pretty much done, just missing some slight ones like fishing, but the important ones are done! Made by: SorrowDivine The goal for the next update is to reach the second gym + have around 30-40 minutes of story post that. Afterwards each update would be 2 gyms each time (depending on how much content there is of course, this would change, maybe only 1 gym, or maybe 3) The region map was edited a bit, so that is pretty much completed. This section is pretty much everything I need to map, except some side areas like the big cave at the northern part. So still quite a lot of work to do : ( See you all again soon!
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