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About AweKartik777

  • Birthday 08/17/1998

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Any pokemon which learns Earth Wave is good for the battle too as the field only reduces the dmg of physical Earth moves. Your own Nidoqueen/Nidoking would work great there.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  4. People enjoy it regardless. I have finished this game thrice in new runs from scratch in EP15, 16 and 17 (haven't started the new 18 yet) and I have yet to use a single common candy. You just need to grind less, and share XP between all your mons - like I tend to keep all my mons at the exact same level, if one of them levels up I swap it out from the front to another and so on until all 6 are the same level.
  5. You can buy ability capsules in the 7th street any time with 2-4 random shards. If you're in the point where you have access to A-Tales then you can afford like 20+ capsules in one go by now. If you still can't then you can battle the repeatable clown trainer in the Circus for a random shard after every win and keep doing it till you have enough for the capsule. Snow Cloak Hail Ninetales is wasting a good moveslot, Blizzard/Moonblast/Nasty Plot is obviously mandatory but you can get Aurora Veil (and let it hold a Light Clay for extended hail) if you remove Hail and get easy Nasty Plot setups with a Snow Warning Tales.
  6. And whenever you win a badge the gym leader says the new level cap in the dialogue itself.
  7. I just used an Adamant EV-trained Archeops with Rock Slide holding a Wide Lens for accuracy - it literally 3 turn sweeped the whole gym and didn't even let Charlotte use any potions. None of the other mons aside from Archeops ever got to use a move the whole battle including my other one. Any other fast Rock type pokemon would work too. Or just use fire types yourself, give them Charcoal and kill her even with resisted hits which is what I did on my last run.
  8. Yes it is, as Silvally (7th Street sidequest) and Phione (Mirage Tower outside illusion Super Rod fishing) both are guaranteed with three 31 IVs, and so are all unbreedable baby pokemons.
  9. The diaries were about 4 random friends in the school some years back who are now all gym leaders, and were about Amaria, Titania, Julia and Florinia (not Heather and Luna, their age groups are completely different).
  10. First of all change Meowstic's nature to Competitive. Hawlucha should wreck Hariyama, Mienshao and Conkeldurr if you send him out at the right time tbh. Get Thunder Wave on Magneton in place of either Metal Sound or Tri attack. Sturdy Thunder wave means you always get 2 turns before you die - in the first turn you use T. Wave after your opponent moves (as Magneton's speed is pretty low) then in the second you outspeed and get a free attack off and with good RNG you can even paralyze them for more turns. Remove Protective Pads as they are completely useless for him and give him a Thunder boosting item (Zap plate if you got one from mining, or Magnet, or a Weakness Policy if you have neither) and use him against Hawlucha and kill him with T.Wave + Discharge. Save Incineroar for his Lucario - send him out right then for Intimidate and break his Focus Sash with Fake out on first turn, then use Flare Blitz or Cross Chop to take him out. Alternatively send out Meowstic and use Fake Out to break Sash and then kill him with another mon after sacrificing Meowstic for healing or reviving turns on other mons. You can use your Seismitoad against Blaziken after swapping out a mon from your party (Heracross/Slurpuff/Amoongus).
  11. You should not have been using Type Null in the first place. Evolve it to Silvally - while Eviolite Type Null is a decent tank, I don't think he is worth a spot in Reborn teams as compared to a normal plate using Silvally.
  12. Actually many leaders have some pokemons over the previous badge's level cap. Like Titania has 2 mons at 86 and her Aegislash at 90 for example, when you are limited to 85 before you beat her. Or Luna has one each at 61,62,65 when the cap is 60 before you beat her.
  13. The guy probably means the MC might not want to be friends with Titania and not the other way around, considering Taka helped us out throughout the game especially in the Desert parts (heck he even has a relationship point if you say yes to the "is he your boyfriend" question in the Train town) and she just killed him out of nowhere.
  14. E18 will be out in a month or so. It will implement specific USUM changes like move tutors as E17 runs on SM only. You can get a debug mod in the meantime to completely change any thing about any pokemon - just try not to abuse it otherwise the game gets boring.
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