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Everything posted by Fabidieboy4

  1. For me I have to say that the most easy where Serra and Radomus. But I always have trouble when I battle against Corey, so I would say that he is the most difficult for me.
  2. i think the new ones are: Scrafty: Obtainable through evolution or breeding --> Catchable in wild/Repeatable Event Bounsweet: Not yet in game --> In-game event Steenee: Not yet in game --> Obtainable through evolution or breeding Tsareena: Not yet in game --> Obtainable through evolution or breeding
  3. popplio in-game event Brionne Obtainable through evolution or breeding Primarina Obtainable through evolution or breeding
  4. i would suggest to get a swoobat because its fast and ofcourse its a psychic type you only need another option for the crobat cause if i remember corectly you do get outsped by that * I did
  5. I defeated the Yvetal thanks to my Toxapex, i kept on using Baneful Bunker until it got poisoned and when that happend i was just stalling until it died
  6. if you go to the room where you fought ren (and crawly fought nastasia, and than they left by train) there should be a rock climb spot
  7. you get it from collecting 35 zygarde cells
  8. welp than i have no idea why it isn't working, maybe somebody else knows, but i do now that you can get shuppet/bannette later on on the game
  9. Alright found a new one, and because of that there are 79 cells as of right now (I have possibly missed 1 because than you have 80 but i'm still on the lookout) 77. Day GDC-Botanical Garden/slide through the fence down right/ where you get TM Sunny Day (bottom right) (ps: srry for all these separate posts)
  10. aha welp thanks for the info anyway
  11. I don't know if this has been posted before (if it has than ignore it) but i found this while mining it says that it's missing a z-crystal or something and after that it closed the game not anything mayor but i thought i might as well post it
  12. Alright i think i now have found all the cells available for now these are the last 2 75. Day Valor Mountain 4F/ at the room with the big door, turn the mountain to heat, go to the clifside and enter mountain again/ now go up and magma surf/ on the right side 76. Day Valor Mountain 1F/ follow steps from 75/ go down the ladder/ jump in the hole/ by heatmor/ top
  13. Found a new one 74. Day Valor Mountain 2F/at the room with the big red crystal/ on the left after a pool of lava (magma surf needed)/near ladder
  14. Where exactly can you get corsola in aquamarine cave?? >_< Is it on land or do you need to surf or do you have to fish? PLZ help me ;-;
  15. you should add the pokemon from the mystery egg and call the phantumb that has the best nature and stuff: LostBranch and for the pokemon from the egg here are some names : Ryhorn = Giov Chinchou = DeepLight Togepi = Space Sneasel = aColdNight Elekid = Plug In Shroomish = Fruitpunch Azurill = Haikyuu!! (volleyball anime but you can also name it Volleyball) Aron = Gajeel Trapinch = Goggles Starly = POWERFUL Drilbur = Clay Cottonee = Cottonleaf Darumaka = shofu Zorua = Mungen Axew = Pyriet Pawniard = DarkPawn Vullaby = BoneBird Larvesta = RedSun Wishiwashi = GoToSchool Mareanie = CoralVenam (banefull bunker is to op (you can spam it untill you run out) Stufull = BreakingPoint
  16. i already went back to gearen when i got to the sheridian wasteland and spoke with melia and aelita and then went back to august
  17. found this (dont know if it has been posted before, sorry if it has)
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