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The Great CP

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  1. So I just found that this bug also occurs in the fight with Dimensional Galvantula, although it seems much less common.
  2. In Marianette's mansion, on the balcony in the main room, the top tile of the balcony railing has no collision, allowing you to walk along the railing and even "jump" down to (and back up from) the lower level. I didn't test this with the right-hand railing, unfortunately. When I entered Terajuma Jungle from the village entrance, an error message popped up saying "Script 'PokemonBerryPlants' line 336: NoMethodError occured.undefined method 'addUserAnimation' for nil:NilClass". Then the game closed. I think it had to do with my replanting the Custap Berry plant that naturally grows in the jungle.
  3. On Route 10, there's a big rapids field that pushes you backwards to keep you from proceeding--a staple of the games. BUT, there are a select few tiles that don't push you back, allowing to to proceed to the edge of the black abyss unimpeded. When fighting Poke Gang Conkeldurr in the Building Bridges! sidequest, the sprites for the Timburr whom you fight don't actually appear when they're sent out, but rather only if they attack or are attacked.
  4. Whenever checking an already-mined rock, when the text box pops up saying that the rock has lost all of its luster, the rock becomes whole again. When the box closes, it returns to its broken state. The sprite for TM 104 Douse is a Flying-type sprite. Whenever booting up TMs 104 Douse or 106 Irritation, the text reads, "Booted up an HM." Not sure if other TMs do this. At least on Route 11, you can surf on top of the swimmers. Not sure if this works for other swimmers as well.
  5. Just a little thing I just saw: When my opponent switched out his current Audino for a different one and I hit it with Mud Shot, the Speed-lowering message displayed read, "The foe Audino was trapped in a sticky web! The foe Audino's Speed fell!" Also, something I forgot to add about the Shadow typing is that it apparently overwrites a Pokemon's normal type. For instance, Rorrim B's Shadow Vivillon took normal damage from Air Slash, even though by all rights Vivillon is a Bug type. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not. It may be.
  6. I didn't read through all 25 pages, so these may have been reported already: 1. Shadow Pokemon can be hit by moves that shouldn't affect their purified typing. I was battling the Breeder in Sheridan with Shadow Duskull (since I knew he only carried Audino), and it still got hit by Secret Power and Double Slap. When I switched out to my (non-Shadow) Misdreavus, it was unaffected. 2. I was battling Valarie's Lanturn with my Mawile, and this basically is what happened: Mawile used Sucker Punch! But it failed! The foe Lanturn used Thunder! The water conducted the attack! (animations play) Mawile fainted! So Sucker Punch failed even when its target selected an attack. 3. I was chasing Nim to get to Akuwa town, and (as normal), she zapped us into her dimension. However, I was completely unprepared for the battle, and I lost. HOWEVER, after displaying the standard "game over" screen (___ scurried to a Pokemon Center...), I spawned in front of Geara, still in the psychic dimension, and I couldn't move at all and had to reset. 4. This one is small. In the Goldenleaf Gym, I ran down the right staircase from the upper level while there was a pile of books at the base, and I got stuck inside the book pile.
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